7. ⏭ Stacie

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Beca sighs as she stares at her notes.

Emily and Stacie argued about something, Emily herself just came clean to Beca but refused to tell her what it was about.


"She's mad at you? That's some big detail you forgot to mention, Em..."

"I'm so sorry! I just- it's something embarrassing, but I promise I meant no harm!"

"But is she mad at you? Or, was she by the time you left?"

"Yeah... you could say so,"

"Emily, I'm gonna ask you once. What was the fight about?"

"I can't say it, I'm sorry. Can't we move on? I'll tell you if you don't find anything, you have my word..."

*end of flashback*

Eh, privacy. Beca decides she'll pester her about it later if she doesn't find a lead, or Stacie doesn't tell her first.

"Knock knock?" Beca calls as she shuts the gym room's door behind her.

"Becs!" Stacie grins, stretching, "still working in your free time, huh?"

"You could say that," Beca stifles a chuckle.

She doesn't want to think her best friend would do something like this but... she had a motive. Beca wishes more than anything that Stacie tells her something useful that will discharge her.

"So I assume you're here as a PI, not a work out mate?" Stacie pouts jokingly.

"Stacie, this is serious," she sighs, "you know Emily is pretty shaken up,"

Stacie rolls her eyes. Uhm...

"She will get over it. Time heals, no?"

"I guess. Can you tell me... what have you been doing today?"

"Seriously, B? You're suspecting me?" Stacie frowns. Okay, she seems a bit pissed.

"No," lies "I'm just trying to piece together what happened,"

Stacie visibly doesn't buy it, but she still obliges.

"Fine. Well, as you know, been practicing this afternoon, for the Bellas may I add,"

"Yes, I know how dedicated you are," Beca gulps. She knows Stacie reminded her to emphasize how she was feeling attacked while she was - allegedly - doing something for the group.

"Well, you know the dance routine is on me and Chloe, so I figured I'd get started on it, took longer without her,"  Stacie rolls her eyes.

"Was Chloe supposed to be with you?"

"Yep! She bailed!" Stacie chuckles, "Red sailed on the red sea. Sounds funny if you put it like that,"

"She's on her period?" Beca asks to make sure.

"God, thought you would know," the taller girl rolls her eyes again as Beca's face flushes, "or at least figure it out. But yeah, she called in sick with me. And it better not be an act cause I'm working my ass off here," she huffs.

"Chloe takes the group seriously. Maybe too seriously. I don't think she would lie," Beca says.

"You're right. But..." Stacie ponders for a second, "nevermind,"

"No, what?"

"Well, I love me some chocolate when I'm on my period," she shrugs, "also, have you seen her? Claims she's so sick and yet she's still all giddy. Either she's a tank, on drugs, or a sociopath,"

"Are you saying it was Chloe?" Beca archs an eyebrow.

"I'm not saying anything! But if the shoe fits..." she trails off, taking a sip of her water.

"I'll look into it, I guess,"

"Yeah, but don't snitch on me though! I'm not one of those fakes, I just rationally question stuff," Stacie clears her throat, "maybe I should have ditched practice and watched Netflix all day like she allegedly did. Or at least joined CR on the roof, you can see the whole campus from there! Bet she's seen some interesting things, maybe better than those cheesy dramas Chloe devours," the girl stifles a laugh.

"Right... it must be entertaining to spend the day there," Beca lies. She does not fancy heights one bit. Stacie knows, but she doesn't need it confirmed. When she looks up to be met with Stacie's infamous smirk, she knows it's too late for that.

"Don't," Beca warns, to which the other girl raises her eyebrows and her hands in defense, but she's now biting her lip to stop herself from teasing the DJ.

"Moving on," Beca says loudly, clearing her throat, "Um... have you by chance... left the room at any time?"

"Yeah, went to the bathroom like twice. You know the drill: sweat a lot, drink a lot, pee a lot," Beca laughs out loud.

"How to forget. I have one more thing to ask you, though... did you argue with Emily today?" Beca dreaded asking, but she had to. She almost regrets it when she sees Stacie's brows furrowing in annoyance again.

"You said you weren't suspecting me!" she barks.

"I'm not! I just want the full picture, alright? It's just protocol..." Beca tries.

"Protocol my ass, you're really doubting your best friend," the taller girl crosses her arms, "not only that, you're questioning my dedication? You know I wouldn't eat chocolate, Becs. I'm on a strict diet, a strictly electrolytes strict diet! I wouldn't sabotage my body like that!" she then huffs.

"I didn't mean to attack you, I'm sorry!"

"You should be!" she uncrosses her arms to place her hands on her hips, "But if you really want to know, yes. Emily and I had a little... disagreement,"

"You sound like Aubrey. My sources state you were pretty loud. Short tempered much?" Beca offers a playful smile, hoping it would decrease the tension a bit.

"Take after you," she jokes back.

"What was the argument about?"

"She took something that wasn't hers," Stacie shrugs. Beca inhales deeply.

It could really be payback, couldn't it? Emily took something from Stacie and the latter did the same thing. Stacie had the perfect motive.

"What did... Emily take?" the DJ asks slowly.

"Er... didn't she tell you?" Beca shakes her head, "I don't know if it's my place to tell, then. But it was a big stupid move on her part, I'll tell you that,"

God, Stace, you're not helping your case here...

"I- okay. Right, yeah, thanks dude. I'll see you later then,"

"Later, Boo!"

Beca decides she doesn't need exactly what the hot topic was. At the end of the day, it only gives Stacie a motive either way.






- Chloe (go to Chapter 8)
- Cynthia Rose (go to Chapter 9)

[If you're here from Chapter 18, go straight to Chapter 19]

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