26 ...It Was Cynthia Rose

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"...Cynthia Rose, I know it was you,"

CR arched an eyebrow, visibly not expecting this outcome, as she felt eight pairs of eyes on her.


"Yes," Beca heaved a sigh, "you were on the roof. You had access to a different view than the other girls. Keep tabs on the whole perimeter,"

"That's not what I was doing," CR argues.

"No one could know. If the box went out of the house - which explains why I haven't found it - you could have easily done it, cause no one else knew what was going on outside. Maybe you gave it to someone, or you threw it away once you were done,"

"Got any proof?" CR rolls her eyes and brings her arms to her chest, as if to say Beca is wasting time.

"Not concrete... but it adds up," Beca gulps, getting her notepad from her back pocket.

"Here you go, that's all I found," Beca says, tossing the notepad on the coffee table.

"Now take her away,"

"Beca, this is bullshit," CR stares into the brunette's eyes, but she doesn't resist Fat Amy when she takes her arm.

"I'm sorry," Beca tells her genuinely, with pain in her eyes, "I wish none of this would happen,"

CR just shakes her head as Amy leads her to the broom storage closet, where she will be given her first chore.

Beca swallow the lump in her throat as she watches her friend get ready for her punishment. Was this the right decision? She shuts her eyes, trying to swat the doubts away, when she senses someone behind her. She recognizes Emily's raspberry perfume.

"Thanks, Beca," Emily gives a half hearted smile as she places a comforting hand on her shoulder. The DJ exhales and opens her eyes, trying to return the smile.

"Of course, Em,"


- go to Chapter 28 (Epilogue 2)

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