21 ...It Was Flo

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"...Flo, I know it was you," everyone looks at Flo, who frowns and stares at Beca as if she's out of her mind.

"What do you mean me?!"

"You were stressed for your exams, that's why you craved snacks. And you more than anyone wanted this to be over just so you could study in peace. Was that the real reason or did you start to feel guilty for your actions?"

"What, you're laying out a psychoanalysis now?!"

"You told me your suspects. Now I'm starting to think you were setting them up,"

"Seriously? Is that all you have on me?! What about evidence?!"

"It's hard to find strong evidence in these cases. Sometimes you have to focus on profiling,"

"What the heck-"

"Here you go, that's all I found," Beca says, tossing her notepad on the coffee table.

"Wait. I request to speak with a lawyer!"

"I'm sorry, the only law major here is Amy. Wanna take your chances, be my guest,"

Flo considers it but keeps her mouth shut for a bit while Fat Amy gasps and frowns, slightly offended.

"That's what I thought. Take her away," Beca avoids her gaze as a narrow eyed Amy leads the protesting latina to the closet where all the cleaning tools lie.

"Your legal system is corrupted!" the girl yells as she gets dragged away, "ACAB!"

Beca heaves a sigh and fidget with her fingers. She never wanted it to come to this, she doesn't feel good about closing the case. She shuts her eyes in hopes to relieve the stress.

"Thanks, Beca," Emily gives a half hearted smile as she places a comforting hand on her shoulder. The DJ exhales and opens her eyes, trying to return the smile.

"Of course, Em,"


- go to Chapter 28 (Epilogue 2)

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