19. ⏯ Decision

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Have you gathered enough evidence/

Are you gonna go by exclusion?

Beca has some major suspects.

The day is coming to an end and Emily is desperate for an answer.

All the Bellas gather once again in the living room upon being summoned by Beca, some are sitting on the chairs and couches while some are standing.

Emily stands behind Beca with a concerned expression, unsure of what the verdict will be.

The girls told Beca that no matter the outcome, they will fully trust her judgment and it will be final, which in itself is a weighty responsibility for her, but she's the leader after all.

Beca takes a deep breath before announcing the verdict.




~~~ WHO DID IT? ~~~

- Stacie (go to chapter 20)
- Flo (go to chapter 21)
- Jessica/Ashley (go to chapter 22)
- Chloe (go to chapter 23)

- Lily (go to Chapter 24)

- Fat Amy (go to Chapter 25)

- Cynthia Rose (go to Chapter 26)


A/N: again, feel free to discuss in the comments before the big reveal ;)

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