11. ⏭ Talk To Emily

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Beca realizes she should probably consult Emily again, given hat she's the one who's been wronged.

Even though the girl is still in a state of shock, she might have some insightful opinion or additional information.

"Hey, Em, how are you holding up?" Beca asks as she approaches the girl, who is curled up on the living room couch, and hands her a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Oh, thank you," Beca almost doesn't hear it, "I'm... a bit better, I guess. It's tough to know you lost something you will never get back,"

"I know, I know," the DJ rubbed her shoulder comfortingly, "but hey, once this is done with, I'm gonna text Aubrey and ask if she can get you in a support group. I think you could benefit from it, you know..."

"Thanks, Beca... I'll think about it,"

"Take your time," the older girl nods, "But, uh... I also wanted to see if you might know something, or if anyone had a reason to... you know,"

"I don't know... I don't wanna like, assume things about people," Emily starts, hesitatingl, but pauses for a second, "but if I had to guess... well I wouldn't be too shocked if it turned out to be Amy,"

"Why do you think that?"

"Oh, uh... Just cause she always teases me and stuff, I don't know," the legacy shrugs, "and you know how to her all is fair in love and food. Plus she could stomach a whole box, it's happened before,"

Beca nods solemnly. Emily's point stands, but admittedly she would rather not throw her roommate under the bus. 

The clock is ticking and her time's gonna be up soon. She needs to get a move on, not before jotting Emily's thoughts on her notepad, of course.



- Jessica & Ashley (go to Chapter 12)
- Flo (go to Chapter 13)

[If you're here from Chapter 18, go straight to Chapter 19]

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