8. ⏭ Chloe

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Beca got a text from the Bellas group chat, Chloe was asking if anyone had something to help with stomachache. Of course Beca came prepared, like a knight in shining armor.

So she knocks on Chloe's door.

"Bec, hi!" Chloe greeted her excitedly from the bed, with those cute pearly whites of hers. She moves the laptop aside, across from the bag of chips on the duvet, "missed me that much? We could watch a movie or-"

"Hey, Chlo, slow down," Beca chuckles lightly, earning a sheepish "sorry" from the ginger.

"Oh hey, I brought these for you," she rummages in her pocket and tosses a small bottle of pills in the redhead's hands.

"I know you haven't been feeling great lately," she refers to the cramps.

"Oh... thank you Bec! You're a life saver!" Chloe giggles, eliciting a small smile from the brunette. The girl always managed to be her happy pill, it was hard to even wear a solemn expression.

"Chlo, mind if I ask some questions...?" the brunette shyly shows her notepad, and Chloe instantly catches on.

"Oh... yeah, the case. I Almost forgot about it. Is that bad?" she giggles a bit as Beca steps towards her and sits on the edge of the bed.

"No, it's okay,"

"Emily must feel devastated, the poor girl... I tried to cheer her up with a talking sock but I don't think it worked," she gave a sad smile, "were you with her just now? How did she look?"

"She's coping," Beca replies matter-of-factly, "she's strong, she'll overcome this,"

"Right. Imagine the trust issues, though? Like... someone in this house did that, isn't it crazy?"

"It is. And whoever did it will pay, that's a given," the DJ says.

"Hey, let's not be too harsh," Chloe nudges her, "we're a family, right? As hurtful as it is, whoever did it must have had a good reason,"

Beca's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"I mean, if you go as far as betraying your family, it can't be for nothing. Right?"

"So you're saying I should be soft?"

"I'm saying you could be understanding. Even thieves deserve sympathy if you hear'em out," the redhead gives a small smile. Typical Chloe, trying to see the best in everyone. It could be Emily too, if she wasn't this upset.

"Can't make any promises, Chlo. Not all of us are Glinda the Good Witch,"

"You watched Wizard Of Oz!" Chloe gasps.

"Have you heard or seen anything?" she ignores her last sentence. Chloe hums as she thinks about it.

"Hmm not really. I was doing my yearly rewatch of Gilmore Girls so I had earphones in the whole time. By the way, I got to the episode where Logan takes Rory on a boat and oh my god-"

"Chlo," Beca cuts her off with a straight but soft look, silently asking her to focus.

"Right, sorry," the older girl bites her lip, "I don't really have anything, Bec, I'm sorry,"

"It's fine," Beca sighs, massaging her own temples and shutting her eyes for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts.

It's not fine. Beca was hoping she would say something that exonerated her. Why is this job so hard? She doesn't want to believe any of her friends are criminals. She doesn't even know who to trust. And if she catches the culprit, then what? Will it be the same between them? She doesn't want to think about it, but she can't help it. She's been living with a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"I see this is stressing you out," Chloe's chirpy voice snaps her out of her inner monologue, "Maybe you could talk to someone impartial. Two minds are faster than one. I always remind you guys the importance of teamwork!"

Beca can't help but return the smile, even though with less enthusiasm.

"Maybe. Thank you, Chlo,"

"Anytime, babe. Come back later if you change your mind on the movie, though! Our Netflix is on hold so we gotta watch it all before they cut our subscription or something," Chloe giggles lightly, "and good luck with the investigation," Chloe sends a wink, her eyes glimmering. Beca responds with a thumbs up before walking back to the hallway.

It didn't sound like bad advice now did it?


~~~ WHAT DO YOU DO? ~~~

- Talk to Emily (go to Chapter 11)
- Call Aubrey (go to Chapter 10)

[If you're here from Chapter 18, go straight to Chapter 19]

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