24 ...It Was Lily

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"...Lily, I know it was you,"

All heads turn towards Lily, who just blinks while keeping a straight face.

"You were allegedly getting rid of ghosts... and what's a good way to do that?" Beca asks rhetorically, "offering a meal,"

"Knew it," Flo mutters.

"You are more than capable than moving around without making a sound or getting noticed, snatching the box must have been a piece of cake,"

"It was chocolates, not cake," everyone looks at Fat Amy accusingly so she raises her hands in defeat, "okay, I'll shut up,"

"Here you go, that's all I found," Beca says, tossing her notepad on the coffee table.

"Now, have you got anything to say for yourself?" the brunette finally asks, staring at Lily expectantly.

She's almost sure the girl said something, but it was inaudible. When she asks to repeat it, she's met with the same silence. Beca heaves a sigh and gestures for Amy to just go ahead.

The blonde catches on immediately and takes Lily's arm to lead her to the broom storage closet, to which the girl  surprisingly doesn't really oppose.
Beca closes her eyes, hoping the bad feeling in her tummy will go away. She doesn't like doing this, these girls are her chosen family. Then she hears a familiar voice behind her, which reminds her why she did it in the first place.

"Thanks, Beca," Emily gives a half hearted smile as she places a comforting hand on her shoulder. The DJ exhales and opens her eyes, trying to return the smile.

"Of course, Em,"


- go to Chapter 28 (Epilogue 2)

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