22. ...It Was Jessica/Ashley

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"...Jessica, Ashley, I know it was you two," the two girls' heads shot up, as per usual not expecting to be brought up.

"Huh?" they both uttered out at the same time in surprise.

"You guys are sneaky. You're always together, I should have realized it sooner... it's easier to act with an accomplice. You always say you're partners in crime,"

"That's just a figure of speech!" Ashley protests loudly, frowning.

"Same difference. You covered for each other. Ashley, you took out the trash today, didn't you?" Ashley nodded, "and that's where the box is. That's why we couldn't find it in the house,"

Jessica's face falls, "don't tell me you went through the bins?"

"Why, are you afraid I might have found something?" Beca counters, crossing her arms. Jessica's jaw seals shut, not really knowing what to say.

"That doesn't matter now. I have evidence against you two so let's wrap it up quickly," Beca nods at Fat Amy and Stacie, who get up immediately.

"Here you go, that's all I found," Beca says, tossing her notepad on the coffee table, as her fellow Bellas take the girls by the wrists to take them to the broom storage closet.

"You're making a mistake!" Ashley yells, squirming in the Australia's hold.

"Retweet!" Jessica cries out before Stacie successfully pulls her away

Beca brings her fingers to her temples, massaging them lightly as she shuts her eyes. This wasn't how she pictured her day, but she's glad it's over now.

"Thanks, Beca," Emily gives a half hearted smile as she places a comforting hand on her shoulder. The DJ exhales and opens her eyes, trying to return the smile.

"Of course, Em,"


- go to Chapter 27 (Epilogue 1)

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