25. ...It Was Fat Amy

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"...Amy, I know it was you," shock plastered all over the Australian's face as she was being called out. There was a long pause.

"Why am I gasping," Stacie muttered, breaking the silence and earning a jab in the ribs from Chloe, "ow!"

"BM? Are you serious?" Amy spoke in confusion.

"Sometimes the easiest answer is the right one. When it comes to stealing snacks, your reputation precedes you,"

Beca doesn't hide the disappointment and betrayal on her face. 

"It's true, she always snatches my m&m's," Jessica says.

"I borrow them!" Amy counters defensively.

"And my red bulls," Stacie adds.

"Didn't we also buy Reese's for our last movie night? Where did they go?" Flo questions suspiciously.

"Okay okay hold on a minute!" the blonde protests, "Yeah I don't have the best track record, I said that, but it never involved a major crime like this!"

"Didn't it?" Beca asks.

"No! It was never something this valuable!"

"You did steal shrimps from a wedding once," CR points out.

"And stacked your bra with it, yeah!" Stacie recalls, suppressing a laugh at the memory.

"I meant emotionally valuable!" Amy rolls her eyes, turning to Beca with a pleading look.

"You always had it out for Emily, though," Beca reminds, "You suspected her, didn't you, Em?"

"I mean... yeah," the young girl nods nervously when her leader gently searches for her eyes. The blonde scrunched up her face.

"You little-"

"Ames, that doesn't help your case," the DJ stops sternly, "You waited for me to be out so you could act on your plan... I don't know anyone else who can stomach a whole box if chocolates with no repercussions,"

"Ah, it's true then that everyone gets on your back when you have superpowers!" Amy spits out in annoyance, crossing her arms. Beca ignores it and reaches for her back pocket.

"Here you go, that's all I found," Beca says, tossing her notepad on the coffee table.

"Beca, you're wrong! I didn't do it!"

"Take her away guys," Beca sighs, feeling a lump of guilt in her throat. It's gonna be hard facing her own roommate and close friend for a while, she's certainly bummed out about it. But what can she do? She had to serve justice.

"Bec, are you sure?" Chloe glanced worried ly between the accuser and the accused, frowning hesitatingly.

"As much as the case allows," Beca responds flatly, not liking the outcome herself.

"Hey, no! Please! I can't do more chores!" Amy yelps when Stacie and CR grab her arms.

"More implies that you already do some..." Emily mutters.

"Is this because I'm an immigrant?? Maybe y'all were waiting for me to make a false step!" she complains loudly as she gets dragged away to the broom storage closet.

"Seriously?" Flo narrows her eyes in annoyance.

"No! Not the vacuum! I will die!" Beca hears when her friend's not in sight anymore and it tugs at her heart. Sure, what she did was unacceptable, but she can't help but care for her regardless.

The brunette shuts her eyes and relaxes her muscles, hoping the creases on her forehead will vanish and her eyebrows will magically go back to their former positions.

She hoped Amy wouldn't stoop that low, and the crime occurred in her own room where she could have and should have prevented it. It's s a backstab to her. Maybe if she was more present, the chocolate would still be there...

She snaps out of her thoughts when she hears a soft voice coming from behind her.

"Thanks, Beca," Emily gives a half hearted smile as she places a comforting hand on her shoulder. The DJ exhales and opens her eyes, trying to return the smile.

"Of course, Em,"


- go to Chapter 28 (Epilogue 2)

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