29. ◼ Epilogue 3 (Secret Ending)

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The auditorium is getting more chilly as it empties out.

It's always nice to have the whole place booked out for hours, when Aubrey was the Bellas' captain they used up every ticking minute, sometimes they even went overtime if no professors or students were in sight. It was straining. But under Beca's leadership, they usually have some spare time. Chloe is a bit more insisting but Beca is adamant on not wanting to overwork the girls or be as strict as the previous leaders (no shade to Aubrey).

All the girls are grateful for that. A day after the incident, this is one of the times they left early - well, not all of them.

"I can't believe we pulled that off," someone's audibly elated voice echoes in the wide near-empty room, "I mean I can, duh, but I'm stoked that we did,"

"Right? I nearly had a stroke when she came home early," another voice replies in a similar tone.

"Was that early, though?"

"I mean kinda, Beca must have gotten off a bit sooner than expected. But I'm glad you were able to get rid of the evidence before things got ugly,"

"I told you we had this one in the bag, Jess," the first speaker says, "piece of cake, wasn't it?"

"More like piece of chocolate, Ash," the other speaker giggles, "although I must admit, a part of me feels a little bad for Emily. And for our scapegoat. Heck, even for Beca,"

"Pshh, they're gonna get over it. You know they had it coming, and we deserved a reward for our hard work," Ashley shrugs as she gathers her things from the stools.

"Can't argue with that. The 4th of July preparations wouldn't get done by themselves it was supposed to be a team effort," Jessica agrees, grabbing her own bag from the top of the piano and slunging it over her shoulder.

"We did a great job at that. Thanks to the extra ATP, maybe," Ashley snorts, thinking back on when her and her partner in crime shared the precious missing box.

"You can say that! I'm so hyper I feel like I could fight a bear. Might still be on a sugar high," Jessica laughs along,

"Nah, Jess, it's the thrill of the illegal. This place is Eden and the chocolate was the apple,"

"Dramatic much?"

"Shush. I'm like Eve and you're Adam,"

"Hey! I wanted to be Eve!"

"Too bad I said it first!" Ashley smirks smugly with a shrug as the other girl rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. Let's go before Miss Detective starts to doubt us,"

"I wouldn't worry about that. The case's already archived and buried six feet under,"

"Ash, don't speak like that, you make it sound like somebody actually died!"

"Now who's dramatic?"

"Guys!" the two girls turn their heads like a deer in headlights when a new voice joins the mix from afar, "what's taking you so long? It's movie night!"

The girls share a knowing look before smiling back at Emily, who's waiting unsuspectingly by the door.

"Coming, Legacy!" they shout back in unison, to which the girl smiles back and gives a nod, before walking back out.

"Phew, that was close," Ashley let's out a breathy laugh.

"Out of all times they could acknowledge us," Jessica shakes her head in amusement and they follow after Emily.

Turns out being invisible has its perks.

The end.

A/N: go ahead to the next chapter (explanation chapter) if you wanna understand better!

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