16. ⏯ Check The Bins

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Beca goes outside for a breather, the air starting to feel a bit fresher as the evening brings slight humidity. She closes her eyes and inhales. She knows she needs to wrap it up soon, she's already been investing too much time in the case, while she has other things to worry about.

As she reopens her eyes, they land on the bins on the sidewalk - the mixed ones next to the recycling ones. She bites her lip in thought. Is she that desperate? The box hasn't been found yet, could it be in there?

"Fuck it," she mutters under her breath, "Only because it's Emily,"

The brunette marches towards the dreadful bins, deeply inhaling to try and hold her breath a bit, and tries not to flinch as she opens one of them. She decides to go for the recycling ones first - the ones that don't stink.

She inspects the insides of the plastic bin, carefully dipping her arm in. Plastic bottles, plastic packages, plastic, nothing that catches her eye.

She goes on to the paper one. She gets nothing from it except maybe a paper cut. Beca just wishes it doesn't get to the point where she needs to stick her hand in the organic bin.

She moves on to the blue bin for mixed paper. She feels for the inside, cartons of juice and milk, fragments of foil and- oh.

Holy shit.

Beca wraps her hand around a box corner and pulls it out. Red, rectangular, with a picture of delicious looking sweets printed on the front, deprived of its pretty ribbon. This is it.

Beca opens it quickly, not finding the wrappers inside. Of course, with how hot it is outside, there would be a melted mess on the wrapper, making them unrecyclable unless washed. They probably threw those ones in the regular bin, but it's irrelevant to Beca now that she found the box.

This is the element she needed.


~~~ WHAT DO YOU DO? ~~~

- Talk to the girls again (go to Chapter 18)
- Make the final accusation (go to Chapter 19)

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