0.2. ▶Ready To Play?

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HELLO! Welcome to a new Pitch Perfect book!

Like the title suggests, this will be an interactive story. Which means, as you follow the mystery, you will be given a choice at the end of every chapter, and based on the decision you make you will be sent to a different chapter. Simple, right?

A little premise, this will NOT be a serious book. In other words, the book is a big joke, a crack fic, made for entertainment purposes only. In spite of dealing with an obvious non-serious matter, it will be treated like a murder mystery. Kind of American Vandal style.

So here's how it works.

Beca is the main character and you will follow her story through her eyes, in a third person POV. You will have decisional power over her actions and hers only.

However, even though Beca is what links the chapters together and keeps the plot going, you will have to rely on your own memory and your own reasoning for her to come to conclusions.

Try to remember the details and piece together what might have happened.

Try to consider not only the clues, but also the things that make a scenario more or less likely, and the way each character acts or reacts to things.

You will search around and talk to the other characters, however you won't get to check everything or question all
the characters since Beca can't waste too much time on it, so pick wisely.

Sometimes, a chapter will give you key information over another, but that doesn't necessarily mean the content in the other chapter is useless.

The story is very brief and will be following the investigation only, so you won't have to worry about how the relationships among the characters may evolve, as no decision will affect them.

Feel free to discuss in the comments too.

(I apologize in advance for potential inconsistencies, it's my first interactive story so please bear with me lol)

That said, have fun trying to solve the mystery!



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Who Did It? {Interactive Story} Where stories live. Discover now