10. ⏭ Call Aubrey

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Beca comes to the conclusion she could use a hand. She knows someone she can trust, that was far from the crime scene.

She fishes out her phone and quickly dials her number.

"Hello?" Aubrey picks up. The former leader of the Barden Bellas, now directing the Lodge At Fallen Leaves in Idaho.

"Hey, you'll never guess what happened..."

Beca explains the situation to Aubrey as accurately as she can, subtly registering her reactions.

"I understand..." the blonde hums, "Seems like you got yourself in a pickle, kid,"

"Aw seriously. What do you think?"

"I think you guys are lost without me,"

"Ha ha. Anything that's actually relevant to the conversation?"

"Well... I don't know, Beca. There's not much proof on the table, is there?" Beca instinctively shakes her head to herself, "But I can guarantee for Chloe, at least,"

"Hey, no favoritism. I don't want her to be a criminal either but I'm not letting you rule her out just cause she's your best friend,"

"Wow. Out of all the times to be professional," Aubrey let's out a small laugh, "I get you, but I'm saying that because I know Chloe. First of all, she's not that cold blooded. The guilt would eat her up before she even gets near the target,"

"Yeah, but she's sick, which makes her potentially... I don't know, desperate? For lack of better terms,"


"Yeah, I mean, Chloe might have cravings,"

"Pfft, unlikely. Chloe was fine yesterday, right? Which means her period supposedly started today. If memory serves me correctly, it should be on time. But anyways, her cravings on the first day are salty. Then from the third day on, chocolate and ice cream. Don't you live with her?"

"I... I usually just bring her what she asks at that moment," Beca feels embarrassed, hopefully Aubrey can't sense that on the other line.

"God, Beca, you have the observation skills of a napkin. But anyways, Chloe would get nauseous with chocolate on day one, it's little habits. Like Flo, who doesn't have a sweet tooth,"

"...she doesn't?"

"Do you live on Mars? I can't believe you're on the case, but I've seen that girl a lot less than you, what the hell Beca,"

"So uh... no sweet tooth,"

"No, from the times I've been over to your guys house, while you were there too," damn I get it.... "I noticed she always needs to balance out sweet with savory. Like, if she eats ice cream, then she's gonna want to rinse it out with pop corn, or something. Pay attention to details so I don't have to baby you from the other side of the country,"

"Roger that. Any other useful info you got? About their eating habits?"

"Some captain you are," Aubrey chortles, but backs down when she senses Beca is about to protest, "Kidding, kidding. I know CR is allergic to nuts,"

Beca instinctively snorts. A lesbian allergic to nuts.

Useless, though, as there were no nuts in the chocolate.

"What else?" the brunette asks.

"Stacie gets easily addicted to Sour Patch Kids, they tempt her out of her diet. Hmm... Amy is a very messy eater. Ashley and Jessica are quick eaters, but also kinda messy. Chlo is sensitive to spices. Lily... I'm pretty sure can digest just about anything,"

"Noted. Uh, thanks Aubrey,"

"No worries. And give my condolences to Emily!"

"Done. Talk soon Aubrey, bye,"

"Bye bye."

Beca hangs up.



- Jessica and Ashley (go to Chapter 12)

- Flo (go to Chapter 13)

[If you're here from Chapter 18, go straight to Chapter 19]

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