13. ⏭ Flo

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"What now?" Flo whines when Beca knocks on the door. Sheesh someone's in a mood.

"Flo?" Beca walks in, opening the door gently.

"Oh, it's just you. Come in,"

"Were you expecting someone else?" Beca questions, shutting the door before going to sit on the girl's bed. Flo shakes her head from the desk chair she's sitting in, turning it a bit towards the other girl.

"The opposite. But everyone keeps bothering today,"

"Like who?"

"Well, for starters someone was arguing this afternoon. I don't know who, I was focused on my studies," she lists off, "then there's someone shouting obscure insults over a videogame every second and loud ass music coming from the weight room for hours?! Like, what part of 'I have an exam' don't these girls understand?!" Flo whines.

She's frustrated, huh.

"And then there's Emily's scream, and the stress that came with it,"

"Do you find that stressful?" Beca asks, scribbling on her notepad.

"Well yeah, of course, but it's not my main concern. It was just the cherry on top," Flo explains, "no offense to Emily, but there's much bigger issues going on,"

"Such as..."

"My degree!"she says it as if it's obvious, "I don't want to sound insensitive, but I think she's being a bit overdramatic,"


"I mean, people eat chocolate, it's life. We can't dwell on it forever! The chocolate is in a better place now,"

In a less grim situation, Beca admits she would have laughed. But now, she's suspecting Flo too. Could she have done this, perhaps due to stress-eating?

"So, you're under a lot of pressure,"

"You can say that," Flo scoffs, "Out of all things, I didn't think there would be an investigation to add to it,"

"You gonna stay up late to study?"

"Yeah, the exam's in the late afternoon anyways," Beca nods in understanding and looks around.

"I have to ask, do you have any suspicions? As in who might have done it?"

"Oh, yes actually," Beca stares blankly, waiting, "I know it was either CR or Lily. I mean, CR and Stacie's room was free since Stacie was rehearsing, right? Why not study there?"

"Well look at you, studying in the house is anything but peaceful," Beca chortles, earning an eye roll from her friend.

"Right. But it's not like there's no buzz outside too," she states, "as for Lily, kinda the same reason. She was in the basement the whole time instead of our room, maybe because I've been in here? She didn't want me to catch her in the act,"

"I stopped asking myself why Lily does things,"

"Ha, true,"

"But obviously I wonder what would bring her to do this,"

"Maybe you'll find the answers in that weird book," the latina nodded her head towards an open book on Lily's desk, which you instinctively glanced at when she did.

"What's that?"

"Don't know, didn't touch it, it gives creepy vibes. But she was reading it before breakfast," Flo shrugged, checking the time on her phone mindlessly.

Beca goes for the book with purpose, observing the slightly worn out pages and rigid hardback. She picks it up and examines it, keeping a finger as a mark, but the cover had no title or images. There's no title inside either, but she quickly finds the index which indicates it's a manuscript about occultism - as expected. It Goes hand in hand with how Lily wants to cleanse the basement.

She spreads it back open and her eyes scan over it quickly, suddenly lingering on some key words.

Peace offerings.

Beca embraces the urge to write it down on her notepad, pointing out how not only the chocolate but the box too seems to have vanished. Now, she tends to be a bit skeptical about ghosts, but she feels a chill on her spine at the possibility.

"Alright," she finally speaks, placing the ancient looking book back in its former spot, "that was... something,"

"No joke. Can we go on with the questions quickly? Cause I really need to finish this assignment," Flo replies, looking into the brunette's eyes pleasingly.

"Oh, uhm, sure. So, going back to the..." Beca reads back what she wrote on her notepad, "'loud ass music'" she quotes, "was it constant? Were there any breaks?"

"Ah, yes, it stopped like... twice? Most relaxing minutes of the day," Flo confirms.

"Did you hear anything else at the time?"

"Well, unfortunately, as you know, this room is attached to the bathroom," she sighs, "so yeah, heard the flush both times after the music stopped. Actually, a few minutes after that. But yeah flush twice, the first time though it was not immediately after the music stopped, like 10 minutes later,"

Beca writes it all down.

"Okay. Do you want to tell me anything else?" the brunette asks finally.

"Do you have a bribe for my professor?" Flo deadpans in response. Beca chuckles in amusement.

"Good luck, Flo,"

"Gonna need it, ugh,"

Beca exits the room with a sigh. She wishes she had advanced technology to back her up in the investigation, like cameras or bugs or microscopes, but all she has is half assed intuitions and he-said she-said's.

She needs to move faster. Is there something else she could have done?


~~~ WHAT DO YOU DO? ~~~

- Check the closets (go to Chapter 15)
- Check the drawers (go to Chapter 14)

[if you're here from Chapter 18, go straight to Chapter 19]

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