9. ⏭ Cynthia Rose

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Cynthia-Rose had supposedly been on the roof the whole time. An odd spot to study in, but Beca isn't there to judge. It's not the first time CR does this anyway.

"Hey, CR,"

"Beca, come sit," CR greets her, making room for the DJ next to her.

Beca won't lie, she isn't fond of heights, but she doesn't want to ask her friend to come down and therefore sounds like a chickenshit. She has a reputation to uphold, sort of.

"I figured you would come here, the girls texted me saying you went full Sherlock," CR snickered.

"I wasn't too excited about coming here, to be honest," Beca smirks.

"Ah, right, you're not used to heights," CR snickered, taking a sip from her beer.

"You're not that much taller than me, hey!" that only causes the other girl to laugh more.

"Why do you even come up here? There's bat's, for fuck's sake," Beca whines.

"Eh, even with bats and occasional bird poop, it's quite peaceful here. These girls are too damn loud in the house. Did you hear Amy playing Overwatch? Nah, had to get out of here,"

"Good point," Beca nods.

"Want some? It's a bit warm now but it does the job," CR offers, shaking the half empty can slightly.

"No thanks," Beca is subconsciously thinking that beer doesn't go with chocolate at all, but you never know.

"That your study method?" the DJ raised her eyebrows, glancing at the seemingly boring book on her friend's lap.

"How else can I endure this dreadful subject?" CR scoffs, "Uni is tough, I don't wanna be frustrated like Flo. Like, yeah we're both approaching an exam but she was especially snappy today. I'm just trying to not rip my hair out over it,"

"No pot?" Beca raises an inquiring eyebrow, "to unwind?"

"Funny, but no need to go that far," the girl shakes her head with nonchalance, "Besides, I'm only on can number dos. And final one. Don't get me wrong, I'm no lightweight, Mitchell, this just makes this History course a tad more bearable," she smirks.

"I'll cheer to that," Beca jokes, "on a serious note, though, have you seen anything? You know, about the..."

"Box of chocolate? I dunno, boss, I was focused on my studies," Beca rolled her eyes at the little touch of sarcasm.

"Wait, I did see something actually, unless the booze betrayed me," the brunette's ears suddenly perk up.


"First of all, I saw one of the wrappers," Beca's eyes almost bulge out of her skull.

"What?? When??"

"Hold on I'm not done. Obviously I'm not 100% sure it was the same wrapper, I hadn't even seen the inside of the box. But a chocolate wrapper flew by with a gust of wind the moment Legacy screamed. Kinda just doing the maths here," she shrugs.

Beca curses under her breath, there's no chance to collect that wrapper now. Not that she has an FBI kit to analyze finger prints or anything, so it probably would be useless anyway.

"Damn. That's... yeah it had to be that one. Did you see anything else?"

"Well, not something but someone," Beca nods for her to go on.

"Ashley was taking out the trash like an hour and a half or so ago. I called out to her saying if she could add this to the pile," CR holds up the empty can beside her, "but she said it was a paper lot. Y'know, recycling and stuff. Jessica probably put her up to it, she's quite the environment freak that girl," she chuckled.

Is she?

Beca feels bad for not noticing that about her friend, she acknowledges CR is much more observant. And she would gladly pass on the investigation work if she wasn't the only one besides Emily with a solid alibi.

"Or maybe she was hiding evidence," CR addes blankly, taking another sip, "who knows,"

"You think it could have been Ashley?"

"I don't know man, but if it is, then I know Jessica would cover for her. And vice versa. They told you they were together, didn't they?" Beca nods, "Well maybe they weren't. Or maybe they both did it, I was thinking a box of chocolates is a lot for just one person,"

"Or one person with a really strong stomach," Beca hypothizes.

"Sure. Not gonna lie, I think Amy ate a shark once,"

"Is that legal?"

"Can't tell," CR shrugs.

"But who's to say it's a strong stomach? Maybe it isn't and the person got sick afterwards," Beca stops herself.

Wait. Chloe?

She texted the group needing medicine, did she lie about her period, was it just a bad stomach?
If it was, then maybe she lied to Stacie so that she could act on her plan and sneak in the kitchen, and then she actually got sick.

"I don't think I'm on the right track, dude, but thanks for the insights," she finally says, pulling herself up with her arms and bidding goodbye to her friend.

"Have fun, Sherlock!" CR calls out.

Beca's head is starting to spin, all her friends seem to have their own suspects but none of them has the whole picture. Not that she does. She wishes something or someone unbiased could give her the answers she's looking for, clear some of her doubts.


~~~ WHAT DO YOU DO? ~~~

- Talk to Emily (go to Chapter 11)
- Call Aubrey (go to Chapter 10)

[If you're here from Chapter 18, go straight to Chapter 19]

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