Found (Part 3 of Lost)

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Time seemed to crawl as Sherlock stood there in shock, seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. John cleared his throat awkwardly as both Sherlock and Kathrine stared at each other. The sudden sound seemed to resolve whatever battle Sherlock had been having in his head as he finally blinked and spoke, taking a hesitant step forward. " Where is the treasure?"

He asked baffling John further. The Red headed woman smiled letting out a breathy chuckle. " Why, it's below the oak tree of course." Sherlock smiled widely and lunched at her crushing her in a hug. Kathrine smiled and hugged him back tightly, her eyes twinkling with mirth. " I missed you." Sherlock said stepping back to look her in the eyes again. "What happened to you? You just disappeared, and neither Mycroft nor I could find the solution to what happened. You just...left." Sherlock's face dropped as he spoke the last part in an almost whisper. She sighed and looked into his eyes. " Do you want to know the story now or are we waiting the fifteen minutes it will take for Mike to get here?"

Sherlock let out a snort of laughter that was unusual for him, and gestured for her to come in further and have a seat. 

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