The Twins

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"Optamis! There is a unique disturbance on our wave length. It's an Autobot signal sir!"

Ratchet informed his leader urgently.

"We don't have a lot of energon to spare...but if this signal is right..."

The big blue and red cybertronian called Optamis stood slowly and spoke in a deep voice that rang across the room making everyone stop.

"If the signal is indeed one of our fellow brethren. Then we cannot allow them to fall to Desepticon hands. Bulkhead, Arcee, and Smokescreen. You will come with me. Bumblebee you be prepared to back us up. Ratchet. Have the medical bay ready for when we return... Autobots...roll out!"

They all transformed into their prospective vehicles and drove through the ground bridge fast as they could. Upon reaching the sight they found two bots fighting against a swarm of Insecticons One a gold yellow, and the other a deep red. The yellow one was cornered so he grabbed a small tree near him and wielded it like a staff, swinging it around and smacking it into the Con's chests. The Autobots where fast to transform and started fighting their way to the newcomers. Soon the swarm decided that they weren't worth it and fled before them leaving all the bots alone. The two newcomers slowly walked towards eachother and found both acted like a brace for the other. Turning his attention to them Optamis spoke up, sounding like we had glorious purpose (Hee he he).

"I am Optamis. Leader of the Autobots. Welcome to earth friends."

The red one started snickering as Optamis finished speaking, making the yellow one speak up instead.

"Ya. We know who you are Boss bot! My brother and I were your front liners during the war several decades ago. This crazy bot beside me is Sideswipe. And I'm his brother Sunstreaker. We're split spark twins, so don't even think about separating us. Now. What do we need to do to get back into the action? Sign a document? Pledge loyalty to you what?"

Optamis observed them for a moment before recognizing them as the terror twins that used to serve under General Venom. He knew from observing her trainings that they where an extremely formidable team. He also realized it would take quite the while to ern their trust and loyalty as Venom had.

"No need to sign or pledge anything. Just...don't tell the Cons where we're at. Welcome back aboard.

Ratchet! Open a ground bridge...We're bringing some soldiers home. 


Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!'

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