Consequences (Redhood & cobra part 3)

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3rd person P.O.V.

Darkness. That's all she saw. Occasionally a voice would disturb the eerie dark the woman was trapped in, but nothing else would happen. All she could do was float in an abyss where fleeting whispers were her only companions. Cobra was stuck in limbo for what seemed like months, her body going cold and aching with pain. Suddenly her vision started returning as a tunnel of light entered her eyes, slowly bringing her body back to consciousness. Waking up her thoughts were filled with confusion as she saw she was in her house and in normal relaxing clothes. Trying to sit up quickly to figure out what happened her head burst with pain causing a whimper to leak out from her lips. A crash came from the kitchen at the disturbance her pain caused. The clatter of silverware followed by the sound of running footsteps filled the house and her boyfriend came shooting into the bedroom. His worried expression immediately set her on edge. She watched in surprise as it melted into joy and love as soon as he saw she was awake. Jason made it from her door to beside her bed in two seconds flat kneeling beside her. " Beth! Your awake! Are you ok? How's your head? Do you need anything? Food? Water? What about-" she cut him of by placing a finger to his lips. " If you give me a moment I will respond. First help me up." Bethany said swinging her legs over the bed. He opened his mouth to try to stop her but quickly shut it and helped her up after catching her glare. Not wanting start civil war 2. He started to update her on everything she'd missed in the two weeks she had been out. Everything from Damian going off the handle about her being hurt saying ' If my sister figure dies because of this Todd I hope hell accepts you this time. Cause if they don't I'll make you wish they had.' to Bruce staying up all week trying to make an antidote. He also told her even though they where pretty sure they had made the right antidote, she would have to take it easy so they could monitor her so she didn't relapse.

Two days went by in her recovery without much turbulence after they told everyone she was awake. They had even let her start doing her fighting routines again. Today in was Batman's turn to spare with her ( she always spared with everyone on a different day to keep her multiple skills sharp.

In the Bat cave grunts and whooshes of capes could be heard as they fought back and fourth. Suddenly as Bruce through a punch towards her head she started to get dizzy. Not being able to see properly she wasn't able to block his punch and it landed on her temple jarring her backwards. She stumbled around trying to regain her balance and every one immediately knew something was wrong. She looked up and stared at Jason but her eyes where distant as if she wasn't actually seeing him.

Bethany's P.O.V.

My head pounded in pain and my vision was funny. I heard a strange male voice in my head but couldn't move my head to find it still staring at a tripled batman. "It's time to begin child." said the voice sending a chill up my spine. Three gun shots then rang out from behind me and imbedded themselves in Jason. He looked down at the holes then at me and smiled shakily falling to the floor dead. I couldn't move my body staring in horror as his Red Hood costume faded away leaving him in his old robin uniform. Finally turning around I saw none other then the Joker standing there gun smoking with is sick grin on his face. No.... no! no! no! not again!!!!! I shouted my voice breaking as tears ran down my eyes.

Hello everyone and thank you for reading!!!!

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!'

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