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The Avengers (Loki, Bucky, and Pietro included) gathered together outside of Hydra facility. This was the last one they knew of and had been able to track down. Hopefully withen They would find more information on their hard drives and wouldn't find anything to horrible. That hope was quickly crushed as they burst through the doors taking out a few Hydra soldier's here and there. The sight that met them afterwards shocked them. This didn't look like a living facility or a base of operations. No, this looked like a prison. The smell was rank as Nat, Clint, and Bucky looked in a few of the cells and what they saw made even them queasy. Inside the cells where rotting corpses of mutated people or creatures. Some you really couldn't tell which. Some looked to be months old others closer to a week or even a few days. They moved quickly down the halls wanting to get out of here as soon as possible and burn this foul place to the ground. Making it to the bottom they hadn't found any more traces of living beings. Just as they where leaving, egger to get out Loki froze his eyes flashing to gold and back to blue. His voice of velvet spoke out.

"There is someone here."

Thor turned around. Concern written on his face.

"Are you sure brother. This is a disturbing place perhaps you are feeling that."

Loki glared at him then closed his eyes half way and stuck out his hands. Allowing the feeling to guide him he started to walk towards a wall only to stop infront of it and press a section of the wall making it slide open. Once opened they saw a steel door with bars on the top and a warning sign on it.


This is Experiment: 161523518

Also known as Power or Glorious Purpose.

Subject is extremely dangerous.

No way to control said subject has been found.

Kept for observation.

Would become extreme liability if in enemy hands.

Upon any breach from our enemies, subject is to be eradicated.




Everyone looked at eachother conserned, except for Loki who moved forward to look through the little window, and Thor who watched his brother. Upon looking inside Loki gasped, immediately feeling a connection and a bond form between himself and the half girl he was looking at. She was a different sight then what they where used to. She had unkept long raven black hair, glittering emerald eyes. Perhaps the most strange thing was that she had two giant leathery winds. His eyes softening Loki transported himself into the filthy room and beside her before Thor could stop him, making him wait outside the door. Kneeling beside her he placed a hand lightly trying not to startle. He started to whisper to her comfortingly.

"hi there. Everything is ok. Your safe now. What's your name? how old are you?"

The woman timidly looked at him and spoke in a soft quiet voice.

"Catherine Banks... I..I think I am fourteen."

"Well hello Catherine. It is nice to meet you. Listen me and my team are going to get out of here. Will you come with me?"

She hesitated and flinched as he reached out his hand to her.

"It's ok. You can trust me. I will protect you. I give you my word as an Asgardian and a worriar."

She waited a moment longer, observing and analyzing him before she nodded and took his hand allowing to hoist her up and carry her out the door.

"Everyone. This is Catherine Banks And is now Catherine Banks Lokidotr. I have adopted her as my own and if you lay a finger on her with out permission you will be stabbed repetitively."

Hey everyone sorry this is so late! I had to clean and decorate my entire house today for my moms birthday. That being said I was only able to finish this. but i will post more and catch back up ASAP! I promise! thanks for understanding!

' Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed'

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