Lost (DC Fanfic)

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3rd person POV

Venom curled her lips into a snarl at Nightwing. Claws out and ready to attack, she slid into a crouch, positioning her body so that her back was to the sun blinding her opponent. Coiling like a snake she sprang at him, hissing through her teeth as he dashed out of the way making her miss her mark. He laughed in a taunting way flexing his muscles, and she just stared back at him her eyes black and lifeless, no indication of emotion or recognition.

Nightwing's POV

Rolling to the side I barley escaped venoms well coordinated strike. Thankfully I had trained with her enough times to know when one of her plans were in the making. For me I was so well attuned to her that when I looked into her eyes it was like she had just shouted her plans at me letting me react with the perfect counter. Unfortunately after evading her with a move I had used hundreds of times when we were together didn't snap her out of her mind control and bring her back to me. Risking a glance over my shoulder I spotted Bruce, Clark, Berry, Aurther, and J'ohn all trying to get close enough to talk to Black Death ( A.K.A Kathrine, and when she's good....Darkwing.) However what I saw troubled me.....They were all going easy on her and trying not to hurt her (*pft* like they could!) "Hey you guys!" I yelled in there direction "It would be nice if you would break her control any da-" My breath *huffed* out of me as my opponent collided with me sending me sprawling. Well there must be some of her conscience coming back....or else she would have just paralyzed me without a second glance.... Looking back at Cobra...Wondering why she hadn't struck again. Then I saw her body lock up and the hesitation in her eyes. Good Kathrine's fight with the others must be drawing her attention from Beth making her mind fight Black Death's control! Joy rushed over me as I realized I might be getting my best friend back!!

Venom's POV

*Arg* A ringing filled my ears as I tried with all my might to fight against Kathrine's mind. I knew I was succeeding when I could see around me, and was able to control my body slightly. Enough to be able to freeze in place when my body started to creep towards Nightwing, preparing for a deadly blow. Waring with the mind holding me, I desperately tried to gain control of my body but I felt Kathrine's mind focus in on me again, telling my body to end this.

Nightwing's POV

I saw the intelagent and loving gleam leave my beloved Beth's eyes and the black nothingness return, as Kathrin cast off the others.

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