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This is actually a preview/sample of a transformers book I'm working on. Also the jet above^ is Dark blue with gold and dark purple lines. This is her vehicle mode.

Viperstrike snarled in anger as Silverblade transformed and flew away at high velocity, trying to escape. What he forgot was she had a Seeker alt mode as well, grumbling to herself she transformed and went after him. Just as she almost caught up to him she started getting fired at from behind. Viper barrel rolled side to side to avoid blaster fire then preformed a large loopty-loop. Flying behind them now, she fired her own missiles each one making its target. A comm buzzed in her ear just as she got rid of the last Desepticon drone protecting Silverblade. 'Blackice to General Viperstrike. Come in General'

'Viperstrike here go ahead Blackice.'

'Reporting in General. Wizard and I just finished clearing out squadrons four and five. Not much Con activity there. Only a couple drones. We also heard from Jetblaze and Patches. They came across five Insecticons but disposed of them with relative ease in sector ten.'

'Well Done Blackice. That's all the teams now. Go ahead and fly back to HQ. I just have to deal with Silverblade then the perimeter will be secure. Tell Sounds that I'll- Agh-'

'General? General! What happened? Come in General'

The frantic voice came through the comms as static began to impede on their radio communication.

'Ambushed--Silverb--sect--9--6--quick--don't--soundwave--late--leaking energon--to much--'

Viper's comm then went silent leaving Blackice to try and piece together what had been said.

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed'

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