The wolves return (Pt 2)

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Sofia went into a momentary shock seeing a young Remus. In fact she was in so much shock she actually started to freak out.

" Oh Merlin. Holy sh***!! I'm dead! I'm dead aren't I ?!"

She got up and started walking and panicking. Not listening as the four people that where supposed to be dead tried to calm her down.

"Oh no. What about Teddy?! G*******! I should've listened to them! They said my curiosity would get me killed! I never should've touched it! What was I th- hmf!"

She was caught completely as a pair of lips met hers, effectively shutting her up. Stunned she didn't move. Even after the long black haired boy stepped back. She just stood there with her eyes wide and her mouth slightly parted. Then a messy brown haired boy punched the black haired one in the arm.

"Damn Sirius! You can't just kiss a girl like that! She didn't even have a chance to decline!"

The newly named Sirius rubbed his shoulder.

"Ow! James that hurt! Also what was I supposed to do?! She wouldn't stop Panicking! At least she's not pacing anymore! Now she's a comatose state...."

He smiled sheepishly. Suddenly Sofia shook her head as if coming out of a daze. The redhead then stepped forward speaking a soft voice.

"Hello there dear my name is Lily. I'm sorry for these idiots. They really are hopeless. Anyways. Why don't you come with us inside where it's warm then we can talk about what happened to you. Ok?"

Sofia nodded still shaken.

"Y-ya. That's probably a good idea."

Following the group she realized she was back at Hogwarts. Sofia then gasped realizing what had happened. Excitement filled her as she put the pieces together. She suddenly stopped.

"Wait! I just figured out what happened!! I need to see Dumbledore right away!"

Everyone stopped and looked back at her. The boys where about to speak but Lily beat him to it giving Sofia a smile, attempting to reduce any stress.

"Ok then. That would probably be best anyways since we don't know where you came from. Follow me!"

Sofia smiled and caught up to Lily walking by her side.

"My name is Sofia by the way. Sofia...Granger"

Lily's eyes brightened as they reached the griffin guarding the headmasters office.

"Wow! That's a beautiful name! I love it! Well. We are here! I will wait for you down here. Liquorish Wands."

As she spoke the password the statue moved uncovering a staircase. Sofia entered looking back at the legendary group once more before going up. 

Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed

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