Meeting Sasha

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The crew aboard the enterprise was buzzing with excitement. They where getting a new crew member. Now normally this wouldn't be a big deal, as the pride of Starfleet was often getting new shipmates. This one was a very important person. Or so they had been told. Captain Kirk walked swiftly down the halls of the Enterprise straightening the collar of his formal ware as he did, meeting McCoy and Spock on his way to the hanger deck where there newest officer. Starfleet HQ had been impressed with Captain Kirk's abilities and had decided that he deserved the rare honor of getting a second commander. That and considering the fact at how often the Enterprise came into danger it would be good to have and extra on the chain of command.

When they finally arrived at the Hanger deck the shuttle craft that had escorted their new commander here was just flying in. 'Bones' leaned over to kirk whispering. " Jim, any idea what this new commander is like or who they are?"

James's shook his head slightly. " No idea bones. We'll just have to wait and s-"

He was cut off by the shuttlecraft opening and a female figure stepping out.

She strode over to them her walk full of confidence and stopped in front of the captain. Facing him he could see her eyes where a greenish gray mist. If you looked closer it even seemed like the gray was battling the green, which baffled him.

She observed him for a moment before using the Vulcan salute.

"Greetings Captain. My name is Sasha Stirling. I have been assigned as your third in command in for your fifteen year mission."

Her voice rang out clear and with a ton of confidence, handing him a data tablet.

Captain Kirk smiled at her warmly stunned by her beauty. Everything from how her black hair flowed down the sides of her face covering her ears and eyebrows, before coming to white tips that ended below her hips. To her perfectly proportioned body that was taller then most human females coming to about 5' 11".

A clearing of a throat snapped the captain out of his daze.

He offered her his hand to shake. " I am captain James Kirk. It is a pleasure to meet you M'lady." She nodded at him dipping her head in respect, not taking his hand. " the pleasure is mine Captain."

"Please call me Jim" Sasha looked at him and avoided reasponding to his comment instead she asked him " And who are your chiefs?" James looked shocked at how easily she ignored his charms and kept stoic.

He finally got his mind under more control, and pointed to each person as he named them.

"My second in command. Commander Spock."

She dipped her head towards him muttering a short "Commander"

"Our Chief medical officer Doctor-"

Kirk was cut off by Bones stepping forward and interrupting

"Leonard Ma'am. Leonard McCoy. A Pleasure to meet you." He said offering a little bow.

That made her break her poker face into a small smile chuckling a little. " The pleasure is mine Mr. McCoy"

Kirk looked slightly surprised that she hadn't been as formal with Bones but let it slide before introducing the rest of his chiefs.

Becoming puzzled when she reacted to everyone else other then Bones formally.

" well that's everyo-" The Captain was cut off again when Scotty came bursting in.

" Sorry I'm late Cap'n! Had to make sure the warp core was primed properly!" He stopped taking a deep breath noticing the new comer and faced her. " Ah! Hello there lassie! Ye must be the new commander. The names Scott. Montgomery Scott Chief engineer on this beauty, But my friends call me Scotty." he offered his hand for her to shake.

Again she didn't take his hand but she gave a small smile observing him for a moment before answering.

" It's a pleasure to meet you Scotty. Commander Sasha at your service. I unfortunately do not have a nickname people call me" She said her eyes sparkling with humor. Scotty beamed at her response. " Well we'll just have to fix that now won't we lass" She dipped her head. Spock then stepped forward. " That was most illogical. Mr. Scott said his friends call him Scotty and you do not know him. Therefore logically you shouldn't have called him that.

Kirk and Bones Slapped their foreheads and started to step in so she didn't have to deal with Vulcan logic but she just looked at him her eyes going cold and calculating again.

" Well Commander there is an explanation for that. Some humans when introducing what their friends call them are doing it in offer of their friends ship. Therefore it can be considered rude to answer them with their name as they would make it out to be a rejection of said friendship. So Logically I was answering an unsaid question and accepting his friendship."

Looking briefly annoyed that he had been out smarted with logic he backed off getting back in line, all the while everyone else stared in shock at Spock's logic being so quickly dealt with and blocked.

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!'

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