Solved (Part four of lost)

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Sherlock lead her into the living area and had her sit in his black chair as he sat on the armrest beside her, with a hand on her shoulder. Meanwhile John still stood where he was absolutely baffled at what was transpiring, as well as the aura of protection that Sherlock was displaying. He quickly shook his head and came closer, still standing. Sherlock looked at him briefly and nodded his head towards John's seat. He spoke to him in his usual bored tone, nothing like the one he had used with Kathrine.

" John. Do have a seat and stop lingering about. It's quite odd."

John looked flabbergasted (hee hee I like that word!)

"Me?! I'm acting odd?!"

Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Just sit."

Both their heads snapped towards the redhead in Sherlock's seat as she started snickering.

"You two act like an old married couple!"

She gasped between laughing fits. The downstairs door slammed alerting the detective and his companions to another presence.

Kathrine smirked and spoke sarcastically as another man entered. "Well, the party has arrived boys."

John could've sworn he saw Mycroft's lips twitch in a smile.

"Hello Mycroft Holms. It's good to see you. How's business been?"

The elder Holms rolled his eyes, and spoke in a commanding tone.

"Kathrine, as good as it is to see you again. I suggest you start explaining where you have been for the last fifteen years. And maybe why you left."

Sighing the redhead took a deep breath and spoke in a calm tone.

"Very well. You should take a seat."

She gestured to the futon and Mycroft nodded and sat, waiting for her to continue.

"I left to protect both of you as much as I could..."

Sherlock butted in.

"Protect us from what?"

She looked beside her at him.

"Not what. Who...Rudy...Rudy Moriarty."

The Holms brothers tense at the last name. She saw their reaction but continued.

"He was Jim's older brother, and fiercely protective of him. He watched me for my skill set, turns out my mother was one of his most trusted followers. Rudy threatened me with your lives. And I knew he would do it, he made and example of my sister when I refused the first time."

She paused to get her voice back.

" I knew he was undetectable. Even to the British government, so I agreed thinking that I could disable his network. It took a lot longer then I thought it would, not working until Sherls killed James. It broke Rudy making him vulnerable, even then he was still strong enough that I only just finished dismantling him and his network."

She stopped, getting up so she could see both brothers.

"I just wanted to see my best friends again."

Both brothers stood, smiled, (Which was very scary to John) hugged her, and spoke.

"I am glad your back Kathrine."

" I missed you Kathy."

She beamed as they hugged her. She had her boys back.

Hello again!! thank you for reading!!! Please give me any requests and I will do what I can to fulfil them! I do a lot of different fandoms! Transformers (working on a book right now) How to train your dragon, Twilight, Harry potter, DC, Marvel, ect.

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!'

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