The Ultimate Life- wait Twin?

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So...I personally love Shadow. So I added the video above so that anyone who really likes Shadow as well would get to hear his amazing voice! and for those of you who don't know Shadow...well up above is what his voice sounds like and the female version of him ( His twin in this) thank you for reading hope you enjoy!!

Sonic and the rest of the Freedom Fighters as well as G.U.N. Stood lined up in battle ready positions along Emerald Shores Beach. Facing the sea they watched Eggman as he seemed to sail across the water with his army in tow, drawing closer and closer only stopping when they where less then twenty feet from shore. Eggman's voice rang across the way as yet another army appeared and marched up behind the FF (freedom fighters) trapping them in and catching them by surprise.

"hoo hoo hoo!! Well hello Sonic! I see you gathered your little friends against me."

Sonic answered him smirking.

"Awww! Hey Egghead! What are you doing here? We where having a cracking, party before you showed up. Besides. You should know by now not to fight us. We'll just scramble your bots like we always do before sending you back to the carton you came from."

Eggman just laughed.

"Yes. Well this time. I have something...or should I say someone who will change things. Dusk my dear. Why don't you come out and play"

Suddenly in a flash of purple kaos a female hedgehog appeared. One with close to the same markings and colors as Shadow. Everyone looked amazed, some looked worried, but Shadow just looked at her with awe and disbelief.

"Shadow. I must now introduce Shade. The Twin to 'The Ultimate Lifeform' and my key to success."

Shadow then started to growl, and spoke in his low voice.

"Your key?! She's not yours! I will not allow you to use another person as your personal fetching dog. Especially if she is my sister."

Eggman sighed and shook his head.

"Oh Shadow. What have they done to you? You've gone soft. Shade. Be a dear and take them out won't you."

The female responded in a very controlled voice.

"Yes Doctor Robotnick."

Before attacking them head on.

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!'

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