The Detecting Sister

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My laptop stopped being stupid!!! Yay!!!

Warnings: Smoking addiction. If you have a smoking addiction please get help. It is really not good for you and there are so many people willing and there for you to help.

Sherlock placed his lit smoke, taking a deep drag as the downstairs door opened and someone started coming up the stairs. He listened closely as he tried to deduce who it was and if it was a customer what their problem was. The strange thing was however, that he couldn't tell who it was. He immediately ruled out John, Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade, Molly, and Mycroft. He also ruled out that it was a customer, as well as being to loud to be an assasin. The door then opened and a woman that looked a lot like him entered. The differences being in hair length, gender and eye color. She then spoke when she saw him, her voice dry with the slightest hint of humor.

"You know....Those things can kill you."

Sherlock scoffed and offered her the package and a lighter.

"Do you want one? Or are you still trying to quit?"

"Oh lord yes I want one. I stopped trying to quit as soon as dear mummy and daddy left."

She grabbed the offered pack and with smooth practiced movement she got one out and lit it up.

"Ah yes they didn't want you to be addicted. Funny. They where too late to stop that."

She snorted, and nodded.

"Yes well, I manage to stop whenever they are around. Just so I don't have to deal with the massive drama mum creates and the unfairly long lecture dad gives. Anyways. I heard there was a bleached corpse found downtown. Wanna check it out Sherls? A little brother sister outing? Like the old day before you where famous and had a blogger?"

Sherlock considered her proposal for a moment before taking off to grab his coat nd scarf and heading for the door. He breifly paused and looked back at her.

"Well. Aren't you coming Athena?"

She just smirked before following after him grabbing one more Smoke for on the case...just as a precaution. 

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