The Wolf misplaced in time Pt. 3

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Standing outside the headmasters office Sofia took a deep breath and lifted her hand to knock. Before her hand even met the metal and wood door, it opened and Dumbledore's voice rang out from inside.

"Come in dear one."

When she went in and saw him sitting behind his desk, she was in awe having never met him in person. He gestured for her to come in and have a seat.

"So my dear what brings you here. I cannot say that I recognize you."

Sofia took a deep breath and speaking quickly.

"Well you see professor... I may or may not have....traveled back in time a couple years or so on accident and have no clue how to get back to my time! Also it is an honor to meet you sir."

She then slapped her hand over her mouth in horror, and started stuttering to cover up her mistake.

"You know....because you were...retired! Ya you retired by the time I was in school and-"

She stopped abruptly as Dumbledore raised an knowing eyebrow at her.

"Well dear girl. Lets see if we can't get this sorted out. Tell me everything. And don't worry about changing the timeline. My memories of this can be erased after we get you back to your own time.

She nodded and cleared her throat.

"Ok. So my name is Sofia Andromeda Lupin. My father is the Remus Lupin currently going to school now. What happened was we...I...was at a family friends house and well...I am notorious for mischief so I went up to his Aurors office at his house after him and his family left and I came across a black necklace that held an hourglass with silver sand. After that I felt even more curious so I touched it and...well...I felt like I was shocked with energy then woke up here sir."

Dumbledore nodded to himself then looked at her speaking in a warm voice, so much different the McGonigal's stern talking to's she often got herself into.

"I see. Well Miss. Lupin. I will have to look into this necklace that you speak of. Needless to say that means you will have to remain here under cover until we can find a way to get you back to your time. Would you tell me what house you are in and what name you wish to go by for your stay here? That way we can get you some robes and books. I assume you are in your last year?"

She nodded in affirmation.

"Yes professor. I am to start my last year of school in two weeks. It's still summer in my time. My name can be Sofia Granger. And I am a proud Gryffindor just like my father!!"

She beamed looking very proud of herself. Dumbledore just laughed slightly and muttered a Transfiguration spell that made her clothes turn into school robes.

"Well Miss. Granger. I hope you will enjoy your visit to the past. And please do your best not to tell anyone things about the future. Or that you're a traveler. Now. I do believe Miss. Evens is waiting for you and that she will show you to your dorm where you will find books waiting for you. Do have a nice time, and I will send for you when I find something.

Hi everyone!! So i have decided to make this into a book so this is the last oneshot I will be making for this Sofia story. Keep an eye out for my book! It will be called " A Lupin out of Time" thank you for reading!!

' Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!'

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