Daughter Of Aslan

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The Kings and queens of old where amazed as they walked down the tunnel that showed their lives in Narnia. Reaching the end of the tunnel they saw Aslan's alter, but what really caught their attentsion was dull glowing that came from further back in the room. Edmund being curious went to investigate what it was while his siblings were preoccupied with Aslan and having a conversation with Caspian. What he saw brought him to tears of joy. In a deep regenerative sleep lay a woman of long read hair and a sapphire crown upon her head. Running over Edmund touched her hand and called his siblings over.

"Peter, Lucy, Susan! Come quick!"

They ran over and Peter spoke.

"What do is it Edmund?"

"Look. It's Etheria. She's alive!"

Susan gasped.

"It's not possible!"

Just then their DLF ( Dear Little Friend) came up behind them.

" It was said that she fell into a deep slumber when the Kings and Queens left, and would only return once more once the Royals of Old returned in Narnia's greatest need."

Peter suck up his head arrogantly.

"Well we don't need her help, and we don't have time to wait for her to wake up. Lets go."

He began walking away and his sisters reluctantly followed. Edmund stood there for a moment in shock.

"Peter. Aren't you forgetting something? Maybe the fact that she was High Queen and Daughter of Aslan? Higher in rank then Susan and definitely higher then you?!"

Peter glared at his younger brother.

"well she's not here right now is she Ed? Which means command falls to me. And I have come to the census that we don't have time to wait for her to wake from her beauty sleep!"

"So what. We just follow your lead no matter what? You can just decide that Etheria the Brave, High Queen of the northern, southern, eastern, and western marine. Is out of the picture just because you have no patience to wait for her. Especially when you know storming the Tamarins castle isn't a good idea?!"

Peter looked furious and shouted at Edmond not noticing a figure stirring behind his brother, and ignoring his sister's attempts to get his attentsion.

"You question your King! Just because she's your precious girlfriend doesn't mean you no longer need to treat me with respect! When I give an order you will follow it! Especially when our dear Etheria isn't fit for command."

Just then the room seemingly got colder, and a tight angry female voice spoke.

" How dare you Peter. Must I remind you that Edmond is King as well. And that in all technicality we are married? Which means...all power that I have, when I am not fit to lead falls to him. So indeed he does out rank you actually. Now tell me. Why to you discrete my fathers alter with your anger and foul words? Leave. Go to the meeting room. Edmond and I will meet you there. Shortly. I must change into my armor and speak with my king."

Stepping out of the shadows was the very woman they'd just been talking about. At her command everyone scrambled. Turning to Edmond once they were alone and quickly kissed him .

"It's good to see you my love"

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed'

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