The Dance

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Things to know. First, most of the MCU never happened. Loki was found to have been mind controlled but Oden banished him to earth to make up for the chaos he had caused. He has been working with the avengers for five years and during that time they found and saved Bucky, Wanda, and Pietro from a hydra base. Loki with his magic was able to release Bucky from his control words as well as train Wanda with her powers. Also Vision was created during this time by an accident that tony created by Messing with something Hydra had been working on. (Just wanted to set you up a little bit.)

Classical music flowed through the air and couples waltzed along during the English Masquerade Ball that was taking place during an art action. Among these distinguished guests where some of the Avengers in disguise dancing with partner after partner as if they where looking for someone. They had gotten an anonymous tip that the slippery thief they had been after for months, would show their face here, tonight. To loot one of the most valuable art displays would be out on the floor, though for show only. The Mona Lisa painting. And no copy either. This was Leonardo da Vinci's original master piece, perfect bait for a thief who likes rare things. The biggest thing stumping them was that two or three months after every robbery the stolen object would just show up at random places they went to. Leaving the intentions of the thief a mystery.

Now from the shadows of the party stood a beautiful woman, unseen but watching everything. Especially the so called disguised Avengers. She had been watching them for a while now, knowing they where on to her trail. However instead of being upset she was both amused and intrigued. She was amused that they thought they could catch her. After all she had been Hydra's best spy for years, never being caught. Now that they where gone though she could do as she pleased. There was a reason she'd never been caught...but more of that later. The woman was intrigued however by a strikingly handsome God of Mischief. She observed how smoothly he danced and could even see that he was bored by small glimpses of his eyes. So, being board herself she decided to have some fun with the God of Mischief and maybe even get both of them to no longer be bored. Knowing how often he changed partners she smoothly placed herself in the way of his next change getting swept into the waltz.

Now in his arms she knew she had to catch his attention in order to get him to play the game. Clearing her voice she spoke in almost a whisper but just loud enough for him to hear her.

"Hello your Highness."

Snapped out of his repetitiveness by her words he looked at her curiously then spoke with a chuckle in his voice as they spun her long white hair fanning out as the did.

" I'm terribly sorry my dear. But whom ever you think I am I highly doubt I am he."

The woman smirked knowing he would now participate.

"Oh. Dear me. So your not the God of Mischief? What a disappointment. I suppose I should go back to my search then, and allow you to dance with all the other lovely ladies."

Loki looked shocked again for a brief moment, then smiled seeing a possible escape from his boredom.

"Well...It would seem you where correct in who you thought I was then. Impressive."

She laughed lightly, and he spun her out then back in.

"It truly wasn't that difficult. One must only search. After all. Seeing's as all the other Avengers are here. It would be only logical that you would be here as well."

He tried to look closer at her, but saw nothing of use in her eyes. She had the perfect poker face, and all attempts to read her mind where met by a surprisingly strong shield. Even more intrigued now he put a full smile on his face, also changing tempo as the song had changed. Focused on the woman in front of him he failed to see the rest of the team gawking at him as danced with her longer and better then anyone else he'd found tonight.

"Color me impressed darling. Tell me what made you so eager to find and dance with me."

She merely smiled and replied.

"I simply found you by watching people. Not because I was necessarily looking... As for the dancing. Well. I was bored. You looked bored. I seemed like a good arrangement."

Slowly the music stopped and Big Ben started to ring. She stepped back from him and gave a small smile.

"Now. As lovely as this has been I am afraid I must part from you now. Perhaps I will see you again next time you are bored."

Loki went to reach out for her to stop her, but just as the clock clanged again he lights went out. A moment later the sound of glass shattering filled the air and five seconds later the lights came back on. Only this time The case that had held the Mona Lisa was empty. Several people yelled in anger and several more had fainted in shock. The Avengers crowded around the case trying to find any clues as to who it was as Capitan America was baffled by the morals and reasoning of why the thief had stolen this painting. Meanwhile Loki stood off to the side deep in thought. Something was telling him the woman he had just met was the thief. However he couldn't find himself to be mad, now realizing the motives of the thief wasn't for any reason other then being simply a cure for boredom. Something he could heavily relate to. He then stuck his hands in his pocket to walk away but felt a piece of paper. Taking it out he found a note with elegant script and he smiled mischievously as he read it.

Dear Loki,

Next time your bored call me....

Perhaps we can do something fun.

Shhh don't tell.



The Mystery Woman

( When I wrote this note on my laptop it was in very beautiful writing...that writing didn't transfer....sadly) Now lots of love!

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!'

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