A Boston Arrival

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Sorry to anyone from Boston if this accent doesn't read right. I found a link https://funtranslations.com/boston that supposedly takes any sentence you write for speech and converts it into how it would sound if someone from Boston where to say it. So i am trying to make it believable, sorry if it's not accurate.

3rd person

It was a new day in Forks and the gossip of a new family moving here had spread like a wild fire. Soon everyone knew that a wealthy family by the last name of Bazzle had moved here from Boston. They where a family of three Charles Bazzle, Vanessa Bazzle, and their daughter Sofia Bazzle. No one knew much else about them other then the fact that Charles and Vanessa had transferred to the Spokane hospital as head doctor and nurse despite living on the outer edge of Forks. Word also had it that their daughter was starting school in Forks high school the next day. This is where the story begins.

It was an over cast day in Forks. Not rainy just dull. The Highschool parking lot was quickly filling as it got closer to 8:00 in the morning. School didn't actually start until 8:30 but everyone seemed to get there sooner so they could socialize, gossip, and finish or do homework last minute. The car parking lot was filled with older cars, van, and trucks. The most stand out vehicles which belonged to the infamous Cullen's being a silver Volvo, a yellow Porsche, and a red Ferrari. So imagine the attentsion that was grabbed when a brand new black McLaren Sienna pulled into the Highschool parking lot, never mind the fact that Nickelback was blearing from withen the car like it was shouting "HERE I AM!!"

Pulling up beside yellow Porsche the car's beautiful purring shut off but the music still blasted through the tinted windows. Soon 8:15 rolled around and the music shut off as the car door opened grabbing everyone's attentsion once more. Out from the car came a beautiful young lady with long silver hair. Flipping her hair she slung a backpack over her shoulder then gentily shut her car door and turned around. Walking away she lifted a kayfabe over her head with a free hand and locked her car that sounded like R2D2's whistle instead of a normal beep. Everyone stared after her including the Cullen's but she payed no mind as she walked into the main building while whistling Darth Vader's song as she did. Once inside she went into a room labeled 'Main Office' so that she could get her schedule. Behind the desk sat a woman in her mid to late thirties, when the door opened she looked up to greet the on comer.

"Hello there dear. Can I help you."

The young girl gave a raised eyebrow and spoke her voice having a distinct Boston accent as well as a slight bit of sarcasm.

"Hello, yaww you can help me. Autherwise I wouldn't be in here would I? My Name is Sofia Bazzle. I'm the new transfa student. So I will probably need a map, a schedule and a locka numba. Thanks. "

At the end of her speech she gave a little smile and the lady at the desk quickly got everything in order handing it to her, shocked by the blunt sarcasm and not quite knowing how to reaspond.

"Well then...here you go. You will need all of your teachers to sign this paper here and will need put it on my desk by the end of the day."

Sofia took the papers and muttered a thanks before leaving. Looking at her schedule she quickly memorized it, then Looked around a second before locating Building 4 and heading for English once more whistling Darth Vader's tune.

I am cutting it off here. Because while writing this I totally made this whole awesome character and really want write more so I decided i am going to make it a book....so...yay! Therefore by ending here. I hope to entice you to read the book... Mwahahaha!!

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed'

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