Lost (BBC Sherlock)

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Credit of the picture above goes to thewordlesssignature on Divianart check them out!

Sherlock knelt in the sand inspecting the latest body on a case he's been on, trying to use his special 'detective sense' as Watson liked to called it. He started to grow more and more frustrated that he couldn't see anything in fact he hadn't seen anything in days. He stood up abruptly annoyed, and ignored Lestrade and Anderson as he made his usual ridiculous derisory comments Leaving John hurrying to catch up. Sherlock listened to John's wheezing as he tried to keep up, the domestic life was making him soft Holmes thought with distain. An image of a seventeen year-old girl with long dark red hair suddenly popped up in his head. Her unusual sky blue eyes shining in the sun. he listened to her laugh, white teeth flashing and a melodious sound coming from her full pink lips as she watched the sunset. Trapped in his mind Sherlock didn't realize that he had slowed his pace allowing John to catch up as his eyes softened. Unfortunately Watson didn't see him slow down either and ended up bumping into him. Snapped out of his dazed state, he immediately started a fast pace again while calling over his shoulder voice wavering slightly " Come along John! Marriage is making you soft!" He inwardly cursed himself for allowing old sentiment to haunt him, leaving John befuddled as to what caused Sherlock to get rattled like that. Maybe he didn't know his best friend as well as he thought he did.


Mean while a couple roofs down watching them stood an older version of the very woman Sherlock had just seen. "Soon" she whispered " I can come home soon Sherls.

'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed'

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