back at the flat

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Madi's POV

For the entire drive back to Harry and Louis' flat, Niall was touching me in some form. I felt bad becuase Zayn was sitting beside us in the back and he didn't have anyone to hold like all the other lads. Niall was kissing my cheek every minute or so it seemed and the next time he went to lean in to kiss me I ducked my head so he kissed air instead.

"Niall, I love you and I love all the attention that you are giving me but I feel bad for Zayn. He doesn't have anyone like the rest of you lads."

"No No No. I am fine. Really. You two don't get to see each other everyday. I was expecting worse from the two of you. Don't worry about me. Go back to being in love. You two deserve it."

"See Madi. He is fine. Please let me kiss you."

"Nope Nialler. So Zayn how have you been? Anything new with you? Any girls? More importantly how are things with Emma?"

Zayn and Niall's mouths dropped when I started having a conversation with Zayn and blowing off Niall. As much as I wanted to give in and kiss him, I felt bad for Zayn. 

"I have been ok, I guess. Nothing totally new. Except that me and NIall are friends again. Girls? not really. Your friends are pretty. Emma doesn't like me. I totally blew things with her. I am so stupid."

"No you didn't Zayn. I have known her for awhile now. Trust me. She just hides things well."

"I think Niall is still in shock. You might want to kiss him now."

"As much as I would love too I feel bad. We don't talk anymore."

"So you really do want to kiss him?"

"Yea. It is absolutely killing me not giving into his cute puppydog eyes and his great feeling lips. um sorry. So back to you. what do you want to talk about?"

"Madi, I am fine really. Please just kiss Niall already. He is paining me just looking at him. It is probably a good thing that you are not facing him."

"Madi, Zayn is right. You should kiss me."

I shook my head at Niall before giving in and finally facing him. He had the most adorable look on his face. His ocean blue eyes were really wide and his lips were in a frown. I reached my hand up and lightly pulled the corners of his lips up so that it looked like he was smiling. It made me giggle which caused Niall to actually smile. 

"Yes! score one for Madi. Niall you lose."

He leaned in and kissed me very sweetly and so full of love. I heard Zayn groan beside us and I smiled into the kiss. We finally pulled away with both of us having huge grins on our faces.

"Madi one Niall one. We are tied sweetheart."

"Wow Niall. I can't wait until christmas."

"that was random."

"well yeah. But I am super excited."

"I get to meet your family."

"Yeah. i can't wait to see my brothers and sister. I talk to them every now and then. But because of the time difference its a little difficult."

"I am excited. From what you have told me they sound cool."

"yeah. I can't wait to meet your family as well."

"they are excited as well."

"I am also excited to go to switzerland. It has always been a dream of mine to go there."

"I am sad that I don't get to go with you and help you ski."

"Awh. Sorry Nialler."

"guess we will just have to go there together another time.''

"oh really?"


I had been so focused on Niall that I hadn't realized that we were at the flat already.Niall helped me get out of the van and he pulled me close into him.Emma, Finley and the other girls were already waiting for us when we got there. Nathalie and Kathleen were watching a football match which all the lads gathered around and joined in cheering. Niall had left me and was watching the game. Emma and Milena came up beside me and gestered to another room.

"Hey Mads, So you and NIall are all good?"

"Yeah. You and Harry all good?"

"yup, So Emma, you and Finley?"

"yeah. I mean he gets me, you know?"

"do you like him?"

"of course I do Madi. What type of question is that?"

"Sorry. I was just asking."

Milena sent me a knowing look. She knew what I was talking about. Zayn and Emma really would make a cute couple but they just didn't see it. We kept talking for a couple more minutes before Angie, El and Dani wandered their way in. Angie seemed to get along with all of them rather well. That was always good. The lads and Nathalie and Kathleen were still yelling at the tv. 

"So Didn't Niall say he wasn't going to let you out of his sight?"

"I don't know, Dani. It's fine. I needed to have some girl time too. He needs to learn how to share anyways. If not with food then with me."

"He does share with you though."

"Of course he does. I am his girl friend. If he didn't share with me then I wouldn't kiss him."

"Yeah Right Madi."

"Ok fine. that isn't true."

All the girls were laughing at me. Suddenly we heard a "SHITTTT!!!!" coming from the other room. We heard heavy footsteps coming towards the room that we were in. All the girls were betting that it was Niall. and sure enough the blond headed boy steped through the doorway panting. 

"Hey Nialler. Forget something? need anything?"

"Yeah Dani. I forgot Madi. and I need her back. uh Please?"

"Awh look the little leprechaun has some manners after all."

Niall glared at El after she said what she did. Milena and Emma had grabbed a hold of me with a very tight grip. I had a feeling that they were not going to go easy on the poor irish lad that i am so in love with.


hey guys. so i am going to end this story soon. :( but there will be a sequel! :) the sequel will be based on Emma and Zayn's relationship. It will be called I would and it will be in Zayn's pov. then when i finish that story I am going to write one on Milena and Harry. after those two are finished i will write another Niall and Madi one which may be the end. what do you guys think? good idea?


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