playful kisses and some unanswered questions

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Madi's POV

I woke up to see that i was still in Nialls arms. All the other lads and girls were all asleep on the couches and on the floor. I didn't want to get up but i knew that i should probably make breakfast and then go for a run before the tournament today. I moved slightly and i felt Nialls arms hold me tighter against him.

"No. dont leave. i want you to stay here..with me"

"I need to eat. gotta get some food"

"no. food can wait"

"whoa did Niall James Horan just tell me that food can wait?!"

"shut up"

"make me"

"fine i will"

Niall forcefully pushed his lips onto mine like he had been waiting forever to kiss me. He didnt try to deepen the kiss he just kissed me. Of course i had the same sparks as always but the butterflies seemed to be bigger and more of them. When Niall finally pulled away he kissed my cheek and then my nose and then my other cheek causing me to giggle. Niall reached towards my face and kissed me again but this time was more gentle and full of love. When we both pulled away Niall was smiling at me and his blue eyes were twinkling.


"yes Niall?"

"why me?"


"why did you choose me?"

"Why is everyone asking me that? and Niall i picked you because you were there for me and were incredibly sweet and you just seemed to understand me. and its not awkward when there is silence between us. you just complete me."

"Who is everyone? and i feel the same way"

"really? and all my friends. a few are saying that you are going to leave me for a more famous person. and that you will forget about me. and that picture didnt help. by the way when can i meet your lovely cousin?"

"soon. but you need to meet my mum first"

"gladly. so can i go get food now?"


"and why is that? arent you hungry? you are Niall Horan after all. the boy who always eats"

"i am comfortable the way we are sitting and once you get up ill be lonely. and i am hungry but i would rather have you"

Nialls POV

All i said was true. I love Madi and there was nothing that i would let get in the way of me being with her. I am hungry but i love her more than food. i know i know crazy but im pretty sure that Madi is the princess that i have been looking for. She completes me, she is my everything and i dont plan on loosing her ever.

Madi's POV

Niall was staring at me for a long time, so i decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. i kissed his right cheek then his nose and then his left cheek and then his forehead and as i was about to kiss his jaw niall snapped out of his trance.

"just kiss me already"

"someone is a little impatient today"


"what? is whittle nialler wanting a whittle kiss?"

"yes whittle nialler wants a kiss"

"awh ok"

I kissed his cheek even though i knew that he wanted me to kiss his lips but i was having too much fun with this.

"Madi. you know what i want"

"and what is that?"

"a kiss"

"i gave you one"

"Madi. you know what i meant"

"oh do i now?"

"Madi you do. please dont do this to me now. i missed your presence"

Now Louis was up and he had disentagled from El with out waking her up.

"Niall! you and Madi slept together before we walked in! i think you had enough of her presence for a lifetime"

"Wait what? Louis how did you know that? not that we actually had sex but how did you come to this realisation?"

"your clothes were everywhere in this room. OMG it was on this couch! eek"

Louis jumped off the couch and curled up in a ball rocking back and forth in the corner.

"Louis. we didnt i promise"

"really madi? why should i trust you?"

"Lou? really? you dont trust me?"

"ok fine i trust you but i dont exactly trust that little leprechaun that you love and adore so much"

"i love and adore a leprechaun! gasp. no way. and he isnt that little im shorter than him"

"then you too must be a leprechaun! i cant trust you!"

Louis was being so dramtic but it was just so hilarious that i couldnt help but play along. I looked at the clock and was horrified. I needed to eat and to get ready. half an hour had already passed by because Niall decided he didn;t want me to leave him. I guess i wont run before the tournament. i sighed before i got up much to Nialls dismay. I left him pouting while i went to go get dressed in my tennis stuff. I walked into the kitchen to find Niall and Louis cooking pancakes.

"Whats this?"


"naw dip sherlock. why are you two making pancakes?"

"sherlock?! where?!" Louis said wayyy too enthusiastically.

"Lou. Madi was being sarcastic. and we are making you a semi healthy breakfast before your game. oh uh by the way how did you do yesterday?"

"i did amazingly well due to the fact that i was pissed and took all my anger out on the court. luckily you were not there or that anger would have been taken out on you,"

"ouch. Niall you just got burned! by a leperchaun!"

"wow Louis really? and im glad that i helped you play better?"

"haha. well i will play even better if i am happy. i can think more clearly and not make stupid mistakes. even though my hits wont be as hard and as fast they will always go in."

"some one likes to boast"

"no its just the truth. ugh. sorry"

"why do you always apologize?"

"uhhh i dunno. nothing"

I really hoped that Niall didnt ask anymore questions about it. it was because something in my past and i would rather forget my past. There were only three people who knew most everything in my past and they were Emma, Milena and Zayn. Wait what if Niall happens to say something about it in front of zayn and zayn tells him? Zayn wouldnt do that...would he?

"Why do i have a hard time believing you that its nothing?"

"again i dunno"

"ok i will drop it...for now"

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