Tell me a lie

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One week later

Madi's POV

It is now July. And LIam started talking to me again after he and Dani made it official. Zayn on the other hand still wont talk to me. NIall finally agreed to me talking to him. He didn't have much luck while we were at the mall since we ran into them. I finally found the right time. He was the only one in the living room.

"Hey Zayn! can we talk?"

"Um hi Madi. uh what about?"

"why wont you talk to me? i mean i know that you liked me but after what happened with you and Milena i just dont know i had started feeling something for Niall and that just sealed the deal. But i totally forgive both of yall. i blame nobody. so can we please be friends?"

maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Milena or NIall.

"ok Madi but i wish you wouldn't put NIall or Milena in this. Tell me Im a screwed up mess, that you need your distance but dont tell me you left me for NIall. just tell me a lie."

"Did you just quote your own song?"

"well it fit to the ocaision and i really agree with that."

"ok fine. Your acctions hurt me. the whole flirting back with other girls. I saw it in the airport too"

"Ok Madi thats better. and yes we can be friends again. I would like that a lot. I just wish that i was the guy you liked again"

"Sorry Zayn. I am happy with Niall"

"Ok but if that doesnt end well you know who you can come running to"

"ok Zayn ill keep that in mind"

with that he left the room and NIall came in.

"You aren't going to leave me for him are you?"

Niall sounded really worried.

"No Babe. Why would i leave you when I am insanely happy?"

"oh ok. good i was getting worried"

"i could tell Niall,"

"Madi I am hungry"

"we just ate lunch like an hour ago...well i am kinda hungry too. lets go. or we can have popcorn or some crisps?"

"ok and watch a movie?"

"sure. what movie?"


"ok Grease it is."

I went to go get the popcorn and some crisps while Niall got the movie. I didn;t really trust him in the kitchen. I dont know why but it didn't seem like he could cook even just using the microwave. When I got all the food ready then i went to meet Niall. We watched it all and ate all the food. Well Niall ate about a little more than half of it but i wanted ice cream so i had gotten up during the movie to get it. Niall didn;t notice the ice cream so he didn;t eat any.. 

A/N hey sorry this is just a filler. Comment/vote/fan what do you think about Zayn?

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