Princesses, pain and fireworks

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Madi's pov

I got to the courts in enough time to hit with Nathalie and Kathleen. Angie was no where to be found.

"So madi did uhh Niall actually cheat on you? Please say no. I still have hope for sweet guys"

"Kathleen!!!! Shut up! Madi is probably still upset"

"Nathalie. It's ok. Niall was just out with his cousin"

"See Nathalie. I told you! Hey look there he is!"

I followed Kathleen's line of vision and sure enough Niall was there with all the lads and the girls. I even saw Emma and Finley. Niall waved and blew me a kiss. Louis and Harry gave me thumbs up signs. Liam and dani waved. Zayn was looking at Emma and Finley. It made me kinda sad watching but I had a plan. Milena and El were smiling at me. Emma of course was calm and just did a quick wave. Milena and Emma had been to countless tennis games and tournaments so they knew that i didn't like too much cheering unless i really did deserve the point. Hopefully they will keep the guys in line. haha who am i kidding one direction is so immature that kindergarteners would probably behave better. 

"You know Angie is missing some good sights here."

"Omygawsh really Nathalie! all of them are taken except for Zayn"

"Who said i wasn't talking about Zayn?"

"Nathalie! we all know that you were talking about Harry. you were talking in your sleep again. just to let you know"

"Madi backup?"

"sorry Nat! can't help on this one. You do talk about Harry...alot. i mean i would love to think you were talking about Zayn but you weren;t"

"ugh. you two are just annoying"

"Kath and i are not the annoying ones"

"and whats that supposed to mean?"

"uhhh nothing?"

"Madi. are you trying to say im annoying?"

"Nat and why would Madi say something like that?"

"you two are so mean to me!"

"but thats why you love us!" Kathleen and I said at the same time.

"Nope. i think that i love you because you two always make me laugh and you know me so well"

"awh thank you Nat!" Kat and I said at the same time...again.


Nathalie sent a ball soaring really hard that it hit me in the arm when i went to hit it. I was now clutching my arm unable to talk.

"HOLY SHIT! are you ok Madi?!?!"

"Good job Nathalie! Now she is hurt!"

"You two shut up! why is Madi clutching her arm?"

"Uh hi Angie. um well Nathalie here got annoyed with Madi and Me so she took her anger out on the ball and madi went to hit it back but it hit her arm instead and therefore she is holding her arm and speechless."

"Great job Nat! Madi do you need ice? or your boyfriend?"

I simply just nodded to Angie and she ordered Nat to go get the ice and Kat to go get Niall. Soon Niall ran towards me and scooped me up bridal style. 

"Are you ok? i mean of course you aren't but ugh sorry babe. what should i do?"

I noticed that Niall had tears forming in his bright blue eyes.I then found my voice again.

"im ok. wheres the ice? i think that i can still play though. it was just shock. i have been hit and bruised so much. I am ok. Niall you can put me down now"

"are you sure?"

"positive. thanks"

"no problem. anything for my princess"

Wait what? did he just call me his princess? he is the sweetest guy alive. Nat and Kat awhed at us and Angie just rolled her eyes but i knew that she thought it was cute because she was smiling at us. Niall finally put me down and kissed my forehead.

"well i guess i should go back to my seat. are you sure you are ok?"

"Niall! i am ok. well i need one thing first"

"ok anything"

"a good luck kiss?"

"haha i was afraid you wouldnt ask"

He kissed me gently but it still sent goosebumps all over me. and the fireworks were all still there. When he pulled back i smiled at him and he smiled back and it was like a scene in those sappy love movies that i love so much but then Angie coughed.

"sorry to interrupt on your love fest but Niall really should get back to the stands. we have a tournament to do"

"okay. bye Niall. love you"

"love you too Madi"

Niall walked back to the stands but he kept looking back at me and smiling. That boy will be the death of me. He makes me go weak at the knees. 

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