|thanks for tonight|

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Dottie's outfit ⬆️

1 week later

Dottie woke up from a loud explosion making her jolt out from her sleep. She quickly put on her robe and runs out of her room

"what the hell was that" she asked looking around Howard's lab seeing mess everywhere. Howard turned to look at her smiling "don't worry about it Dot,  that was just one of my small bombs"

Dottie let's out a sigh as Jarvis words came to her mind that Howard is alot to handle which is true. "I'll go change now" Dottie announced. "can I watch?" Howard asked smirking at her "of course" she smiled widely at him

Howard walked towards her before Dottie placed a hand on his face pushing him "not" she added smiling sarcastically at him before she left

"Mr Stark, Miss Aimsworth is here for her job not for any fondue" Jarvis spoke walking inside Howard's lab "I know Jarvis, she's quite different" Howard admits smiling to himself at the thought of Dottie being the only assistant he had that is not really interested on him

"Dottie!" Howard yelled making Dottie run back to the lab with annoyed look as she only got out for 1 minute "what is it Howard" she asked annoyed as Howard have been flirting with her nonstop the whole day

"Jeez dear what's with the attitude" Howard asked grinning at her making her roll her eyes "would you just tell me what you need" she said glaring at him

"right, I just need you to do this equation for me and finish the blueprint I told you about" Howard explained as he continued working on his inventions

Dottie finished the equation 20 minutes later. She studied the blueprint that lays in front of her before writing down its informations

"I'm done" she announced getting up from her chair earning a smile from Howard "great, can you get me a coffee from the kitchen" Howard asked as she nods in response

"Stark residence, what can I do for you" Dottie answered the telephone after hearing it ring while making her way to the kitchen . "This is Dr. Erskine, can you please ask Mr Stark on when we can do the rebirth project" the man on the phone asked "give me a second sir"

Dottie puts down the phone on the table and runs back to Howard's lab "Howard, Dr. Erskine asked when can he can start the rebirth project with you" asked gaining his attention "I never noticed how good that dress look on you, bet you look more great without it" Howard commented looking at her up and down

He earned a groan from her before she yelled at him "Howard, Dr. Erskine is on the damn phone just tell me when!" she yelled getting more frustrated as how he ignored the question "next Thursday" Howard quickly answered before Dottie runs back to the living room as Jarvis entered the lab with Howard's coffee "she's scary when she's angry" Jarvis spoke putting down Howard's coffee on the table while Howard stared at Dottie when she runs out "she is, never been scared by a woman yelling at me besides my mom" Howard admits "besides her and your mom Sir" Jarvis corrected him

"Sorry for making you wait, Howard said it will be on next Thursday" Dottie told Dr. Erskine, "Thank you, please tell him to be there by 12 in the afternoon" Dr. Erskine told her before ending the call making her sigh and roll her eyes knowing that the doctor must've heard her scream

"Howard" Dottie whispered as she tap on Howard's shoulder trying to wake him up "Howard" she called again only for Howard to groan and turn his head on the other way

Dottie let's out a sigh and placed her hand on his cheeks tapping on it slightly but still no response from him. She slapped him on the face waking him up holding his cheeks

"you could have wake me in a nice way" Howard said rubbing his cheeks while Dottie let's out a chuckle and grabs his face then lightly rubs his cheeks. Howard stares at her while she kept on rubbing his cheeks

"I'm sorry I think I hit you pretty bad" Dottie smiled at him still holding his face, realizing how close they were on each other, she slowly stood straight and smiled at him

"alright, I cleaned up the whole lab continue your sleep on your room" Dottie told him while Howard stood up "let's go for a late night fondue" Howard suggested making her roll her eyes

"Howard you know I don't really like going out at night" Dottie groaned while making her way towards the door before Howard pulled her back in front of him "lucky me then, its 3am in the morning" Howard grins at her making her groan

"god what did I just signed up for" Dottie spoke before she made her way towards her room to get a jacket while Howard went outside to get the car ready

"where are you headed to Miss Aimsworth" Ana spoke from behind Dottie "oh me and Howard are just heading to eat" Dottie explained making Ana smile widely "take care Miss Aimsworth" Ana yelled as Dottie made her way out

"Dear don't you think they would look good together" Ana spoke watching Howard open the door for Dottie with Jarvis beside her "they would, and Mr Stark respects her and he treats her different from any other woman he met" Jarvis explained watching them drive away

"He really fell for it?" Dottie asked laughing after she took a bite from her cheeseburger. "C'mon dear, he's stupid why won't he" Howard replied laughing with her.

Their laughs filled the whole place as they tell each other funny stories not caring about the stares they're getting from the other people. Howard stared at her in awe watching her laugh on every story and jokes he tells her. He felt a unfamiliar feeling on his insides as he watch the woman in front of him smile making him smile also

"Howard, thanks for tonight I really had fun" Dottie told him as Howard leans on the wall behind him "how can you not? I was your company" Howard grins at her making her roll her eyes "go get some sleep, we have tons of works tomorrow" Dottie reminds him getting a nod from him

"Goodnight Aimsworth" Howard said smiling at her before he made his way towards his room smiling like an idiot to his self "seems like you had a great time Mr Stark" Jarvis spoke from out of nowhere making Howard jump "god Jarvis you scared the hell out of me and yes I did. She was a great company actually" Howard sent him a smile before continuing his way to his room

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