|Agent Aimsworth|

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"How's your days been in here Dottie" James asked while they both walk around the camp "pretty great, I just find it hard to fit in here" Dottie confessed making James nod

"I was honestly surprised when colonel Phillips announced you as Agent Aimsworth" James said turning his head to her and earning a chuckle "he addressed me as an Agent already I haven't even make a decision" Dottie smiled looking at him

"Well hopefully you join us here, I saw your training yesterday, you did great" James smiled at her before Peggy walked towards them "May I borrow Agent Aimsworth, Sergeant Barnes? we have to go the recruits now" Peggy asked turning to James

"Yes ma'am" James answered walking away from them "you and James?" Peggy asked earning a fake shock from her as they've been close after her being in the camp for five days now "never thought you do gossip" Dottie asnwered making Peggy chuckle "James is just a great friend Peg" Dottie answered as they both made their way to the recruits

"Recruits attention!" Peggy spoke making the recruits stood straight "Gentelman, I'm Agent Carter, this is Agent Aimsworth. I supervise all operations on this division" Peggy explained

"So US Army have supermodels now" A guy spoke making Dottie raise her eyebrows. She walked in front of the man "what's your name soldier" Dottie asked

"Gilmore Hodge your majesty" Hodge responds. "Step forward Hodge" Dottie ordered before he stepped forward looking back at the other soldiers "put your right foot forward" she said looking at him

"We gonna wrestle? cause I got a few moves I know you'll like" Hodge winked at her before she landed a punch on his face sending him down on the ground

"Agent Aimsworth" Colonel Phillips called making her turn her head behind her "Colonel Phillips" She saluted him. "I can see that your breaking in the candidates, that's good" Colonel Philips said walking toward her making her smirk

"Get your ass up out of that dirt and standing that line of attention until somebody tell you what to do" Colonel Philips told Hodge as Dottie went back beside Peggy receiving a smirk from her

"Yes sir!" Hodge responds. "General Patton has said that wars are fought by weapons but they are won by men. We are going to win this war because we have the best men" Colonel Phillips said looking at Steve who stood beside James making Peggy smile

"Another woman on the field" Jack Thompson muttured while he stood beside Colonel Phillips watching Dottie from far while she fire on the targets practicing by herself "does it bother you" Phillips asked. "No sir" Jack quickly replied

Dottie took down the two mens that's training her unaware of colonel Phillips and Agent Thompson watching her impressed. "Agent Aimsworth" colonel Phillips called making her turn around seeing hin stood there with a unfamiliar face

"Colonel" Dottie saluted walking towards them "Agent Thompson" Jack introduced his self "Dottie Aimsworth" Dottie replied as they shook hands "Agent Aimsworth" Phillips corrected her making her chuckle

"Sir I haven't make a decision" Dottie smiled at Phillips "I know, and I think I know what's your decision is gonna be that's why Agent Thompson is here" Colonel Phillips stated making Dottie confused

"I know you won't take the offer but I'm giving you a position on SSR. You will always gonna be needed" Colonel Phillips explained making Dottie smiled as Colonel Phillips left the two so Jack can explain her everything

"That mean you won't actually have to be on the SSR headquarters everyday, just like how Howard do his work home" Jack explained while Dottie stood there with her arms crossed and nodding her head "sounds good, thanks for explaining Agent Thompson" Dottie smiled at him before leaving his side

"If you change your mind the army is always here" Colonel Phillips said making her chuckle "thank you sir, but I think the SSR is enough but I assure you I'll be here if I'm needed " Dottie replied before saluting him

"How was your week Miss Aimsworth" Jarvis asked as he drives back to the mansion "it was perfect, got to learn so much things but it's not really for me" Dottie smiled

"I'll bring your stuffs to your room" Jarvis suggested as Dottie made her way to Howard's lab "You busy?" Dottie asked standing on the door making Howard turn his head at her

"Dottie! how was your week" Howard asked walking towards her and embracing her in a tight hug making her chuckle "I've been great" Dottie replied before pulling away with her arms still wrapped around him

"Dear lord, you look miserable" Dottie said with her hands on both of his cheeks as she looked at his hair messed up, his tie unfixed and his face stressed "I always look good dear" he grinned at her while she only looked at him with eyebrows raised

Dottie knows Howard well now. Even though he's good at lying she can still read him like an open book and knows when he's telling the truth or not "Mr Jarvis!" Dottie yelled

"Yes Miss Aimsworth?" Jarvis asked standing on the lab's door "when was the last time Howard slept?" Dottie asked. Jarvis looked at Howard who shakes his head at him

"Uh Miss Aimsworth I believe Ana needs me" Jarvis replied walking out "Mr Jarvis I don't wanna repeat myself" Dottie warned making Jarvis stop on his tracks "two days ago" he quietly replied making her eyes widen

"Are you out of your mind?!" Dottie yelled removing her arms around him as Jarvis runs out of the lab "Dottie I was stressed and there's so much things to do in here" Howard explained "that isn't an excuse to use to skip two days of sleep" Dottie replied with her arms crossed

"I'm sorry I was just used on having you around here helping me, it was less stressful with you here" Howard said walking towards her

Howard pulled her into a hug making her sigh "I'm sorry I was just worried about you" Dottie replied before he pulled away "oh so you worry about me" he grins at her making her roll her eyes

"Go get some sleep I'll handle this" Dottie smiled at him before he kissed her on the cheek making her raise her eyebrows at his unexpected move "I owe you one dear" he winked at her before leaving her on the lab

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