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Dottie's outfit ⬆️

Dottie walked out of the coffee shop she's been at for hours as she enjoyed having a peace time in there. She saw a man who's getting beat up by someone taller than him

She quickly walked towards them and kicked the man on his back gaining his attention. She quickly send a punch right at his face and kicks him between his legs making him groan and runs away.

"you alright?" she asked the guy sitting down on the ground and offers her hand for him to take. The man stood up holding on her hand "your quiet strong for a lady" the man spoke making her chuckle

"I get told that alot" she said fixing her dress "Steve Rogers" the man took out his hand "Dorothy Aimsworth, call me Dottie" Dottie shakes his hand before a man appeared from behind her

"don't tell me you got punched again" the man in a soldier uniform spoke making Dottie look at him "yeah and Dottie saved me" Steve said looking at his friend who stares at Dottie

"James Barnes miss" James said kissing the back of her hand "Dottie" Dottie said smiling at him "thanks for saving my friend but we have to go, to the future" James announced as they both left while Dottie stood there admiring their friendship

"There's my beautiful assistant. We need to get ready for tonight dear" Howard parked his car in front of Dottie making her smile and walk towards him then gets in the car

"what's with the red cheeks love" Howard asked turning his head to look at her before looking back at the road "oh uh nothing" Dottie smiled remembering James as Howard only responds by humming not believing her

"Ana I think this is a bit too mu-" Dottie spoke looking down at her red velvet dress before getting cut off by Ana who turned her around to look at the mirror "I think its perfect Miss Aimsworth" Ana smiled at her making Dottie smile "your right"

"Dottie I need some help here!" Howard yelled from his room "now go get to your husband Miss Aimsworth" Ana joked making Dottie roll her eyes smiling before she made her way towards Howard's room

"what is it?" Dottie asked standing in front of Howard's door "I can't tie my-" Howard cuts himself off while staring at Dottie up and down "good lord, you look way too good to be a assistant" Howard compliments her making her cheeks go red

Dottie walked towards him and fix his tie while Howard stares at her amazed. Dottie looked back at Howard with a smile as their faces are only inches away from each other "I know I have a kissable face, don't be shy" Howard smirks at her making her roll her eyes and walks out of the room

"we're going to be late let's go" she yelled making her way out seeing Jarvis standing beside the car talking to Ana "you look great Miss Aimsworth" Jarvis compliments her as she nods her head with a smile before he opened the door for her

"Where's my wife at" Howard jokes walking towards the car as Jarvis opened the door for him "can you atleast shut your mouth for a minute?" Dottie asked as Howard sat inside with her "make me dear" Howard responds making Ana shakes her head laughing

"Ladies and gentlemen Mr Howard Stark!" the announcer cheerfully announced as Howard runs to the stage and took off his hat handing it to the woman and kissing her on the lips

Dottie rolled her eyes in annoyance before Howard wiped his lips smirking at Dottie "ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all" Howard explained looking at the crowd

His assistants removed the car wheels and placed them aside "with Stark rubudic reversion technology you all be able to do just that" he explained again pressing a button

The car slowly lifts from the stage as Howard turned his head to the crowd that watched amazed making him grin to himself. The car started making weird noises making Howard look back at the car before it landed back at the stage

"oh god" Dottie sighs shaking her head looking at the car "I did say a few years didn't I" Howard covered up making Dottie chuckled

"Told you the car wasn't fully ready" Dottie spoke as Howard made his way towards her. She wipes his sweats off with a clean handkerchief while Howard removes his jacket

"It still flew for seconds dear" Howard grins making her shakes her head "you are really stubborn" Dottie muttered as they both made their way out while Dottie holds Howard's jacket

"Miss Aimsworth you look really great" James spoke gaining Dottie's attention "thank you james, what are you doing here?" Dottie asked smiling at him "me and Steve just watched Mr Stark's invention, what about you" James said

"Oh I'm here with Howard, I'm his personal assistant" Dottie explained as Howard appeared from behind her "Dottie, Jarvis is waiting let's go" Howard spoke studying James "It's nice seeing you James, we're going now"

Dottie spoke going in for a hug as James hugged her back "nice seeing you too Miss Aimsworth" James responds "told you to call me Dottie" Dottie chuckled.

"We're leaving now Sergeant" Howard told James, he nodded in response while Dottie walks towards their car leaving the two "oh and call her Miss Aimsworth, Nothing else" Howard yelled while he makes his way towards Jarvis

"what did you told him" Dottie asked folding Howard's jacket "Isn't his first name supposed to be Sergeant?" Howard asked dodging her question "yes but he told me to call him James, is that a problem?" Dottie asked looking at him

"No" Howard responds quietly making Jarvis smile "oh it is a problem for Mr Stark Miss Aimsworth" Jarvis spoke confusing Dottie

"What do you mean by that Mr Jarvis" Dottie asked while Howard rubs his temple "I think Mr Stark is jealous" Jarvus responds making Dottie raised her eyebrows at Howard "Howard Stark never gets jealous Jarvis" Howard said defending his self

"Is that so?" Dottie asked smirking at him "why, you challenging me?" Howard asked turning his head to her "never said that dear" Dottie grins at him before looking back at him

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