|wall of valor|

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"How's my beautiful fiance" Howard greeted walking outside their garden "stressed" Dottie replied flipping through the choices for their wedding theme "why don't you take a little break" he suggested placing both of his hand on her shoulders "why don't you help me decide instead of worrying about your suit too much" she said looking up at him making him roll his eyes "yeah no. C'mon I have a surprise for you" he said grabbing her hand to help her up

"Howard I swear to God if your just gonna ask me to be SHIELD'S head Agent again I'm gonna blow your head right now" Dottie spoke while they both walked up the stairs inside the SHIELD headquarters "chill your beautiful ass down love I just wanna show you something" he smirked at her and slapped her ass earning a glare from her.

Dottie slapped him right on the cheek making him gasp before she walked away from him with annoyed look on her face before he smirked "still feisty as ever". Howard looked around seeing his agents looking at Dottie with a terrified look "don't be scared of her she's really nice she's just stressed" Howard waved off to his agents before walking towards her and checking her out

"Wow. that's my damn woman" he mumbled to his self before he walked beside her and placed his hand on the small of her back guiding her with a huge smile on his face knowing how much she'll love the surprise

Howard and Dottie stood in front of a wall with loads of names "wall of valor" Dottie reads the sign on the top gaining a nod from Howard. It didn't take long for her to notice the name that she haven't hear or read anywhere for the last four years making her heart skip a beat forgetting that he's no longer there with her. Howard took a step towards her seeing tears starting to pour her eyes "is this a bad idea?" Howard asked Peggy who came out of nowhere and stood on Howard's side

"Let her process, it's been years" Peggy replied looking at the wall of valor. Dottie gulped and sighs deeply before she slowly walked towards the wall and placed her hand on his name with her other hand covering her mouth trying not to make any noise from crying

Srgnt. Bucky Barnes

She reads on her mind taking her hand off from her mouth and smiling while her tears fall on her cheeks. She didn't care if she was looking dramatic from the agents around knowing on herself that she has every rights to because they don't know what she have went through. Turning her head back to Howard, she pulled him into a hug smiling widely "thank you for bringing me here" she mumbled

"I figured you'd like to see it plus, the Sergeant deserves a recognition even when he's with or without us. He dedicated his life for this country and so is the other soldiers" he explained as she pulled away and pointed at the other names written on the wall "since when it has been here?" she asked "for a week but me and Peg planned that last year" Howard explained looking at his side and seeing Peggy gone "weird ass woman" Dottie chuckled making Howard smile before they both looked back at the wall of valor reading everyone else's name

"You alright?" Howard asked while she wipes her tears away "just really happy" she replied while she flips through the pages of their choices "you know what let Jarvis and Ana choose for us" he suggested making her raise her eyebrows smiling "I think that's a good idea" she replied before Howard called Ana and Jarvis

"Surprise us" Howard grinned at the two handing Jarvis the book making Ana smile excitedly as Howard pulled Dottie by her waist with him inside the house "and you take a rest you've been stressed for two days" he said kissing her temple "well if you helped me decide then maybe it would be less stressful" she said rolling her eyes as the both sat on the couch "how many kids do you want?" he asked out of the blue making her look at him

"Where did that came from" she asked "c'mon just tell me. 10? 6? 5?" he asked "Howard that's a whole ass team" she said slapping his chest "then tell me how many you want because even at the age of 60 I can still give you five ya know, Stark's good dick game never die" he smirked at her making her scrunch her face "Howard! your so disgusting" she said getting up making him laugh

"That's not what you said last night" he smirked once again "first of all your dick game is really bad" she said looking at him before making her way towards their room "Dorothy that hurts my ego" he yelled making her laugh "keep hurting love" she yelled back

sorry for the short chapter <3

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