|I quit|

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Dottie woke up feeling strange as she looked around seeing that she isn't in her room. She felt someone's arm wrapped around her waist making her eyes widen in panic.
As she was about to get up she looked behind her seeing Howard peacfully asleep

Events of last night came rushing into her mind remembering when Howard came home drunk and his little breakdown. She let's out a sigh and runs her fingers through his messy hair pushing them back

"Jarvis I'll go prepare breakfast you go do your-" Anna spoke walking in to the living room before cutting herself off seeing Dottie and Howard lay there cuddled up on each other "awe look how adorable they are" Anna whispered "oh god please don't say that, he's never gonna shut up about it if he heard you say that" Dottie groaned slowly getting up "oh she's awake" Jarvis muttured

"I'll make you both coffee" Anna suggested before rushing to the kitchen "he looks like a mess" Jarvis muttured looking at Howard making Dottie nod "he went home and had a little breakdown I guess we both passed out in here" Dottie explain before she made her way towards her room to get ready

"Ugh god what happened" Howard asked groaning as he sat down on his chair while the three look at him while they eat their food "well you went home completely drunk and you started ranting to me then we fall asleep on the couch" Dottie explained. "No I didn't" Howard responds sipping his coffee "wait we?" he asked grinning making Dottie roll her eyes "don't get your hope's too high I just comforted you and we fell asleep" she explained while Anna and Jarvis listen to them smiling

"Where you going?" Howard asked after Dottie finsihed her breakfast and stood up from her seat "to the lab, vacations over" she answered making Howard groan as he finsihed his food

"How do I look?" Howard asked walking inside the lab gaining Dottie's attention "you look like you look everyday. You look like you have a hangover" she answered before Howard turned to his works and continued them

"You need help?" she asked seeing Howard look at his works completely stressed "no I'm fine" he answered rubbing his temple "you sure?" she asked walking towards him seeing him so tense "I'm sure Dottie go back to your own work" he answered making her shake her head as he's being stubborn like always "let me help you, you look really stre-" "I said I'm fine, didn't you understood what I said? I don't need your help I can do this on my own go away" he cuts her off by yelling making her turn at him surprised as she never heard him yell at anyone like that before

She looked at him sternly and gives him a sarcastic smile "oh really? you don't need my help?" she asked making him shake his head realizing what he just did "no Dottie I... I didn't meant to yell at you" he explained walking towards her only for her to shake her head

Jarvis came running into the lab with panic on his face looking at them two "is everyone okay? what's the yelling for?" he asked looking at them two "then I quit" she spoke looking at Howard making Jarvis eyes widen "what's... what's going on?" Jarvis asked completely shock by Dotties words "Dottie I didn't meant to yell at you I swear" Howard explained before Dottie walked out of the lab to head towards her room

"Dottie c'mon I was just really stressed" Howard explained walking towards her seeing her puts on a coat "leave me alone Howard" she muttured as he walked towards her and grabs her arm "where are you going?" he asked worried "I'm leaving your stupid ass here I need to get away from your stink" she answered pulling her arm away from him "Dorothy" he called again following her through the hallway

"Do you want me to drive you Miss Aimsworth?" Jarvis asked as Dottie walked past him "I'll be fine Mr Jarvis" Dottie answered leaving the house. "You messed up" Jarvis muttured standing beside Howard "I know I didn't meant to"

Dottie went back home after she took a walk for hours. She opened the door and made her way back to her room letting out a sigh as she realized she overreact

"Morning" she greeted Anna after walking past her as Anna greeted her back "Dottie I'm sorry about last night" Howard apologized seeing her enter the lab. Dottie looked at him for seconds before letting out a sigh and walking towards him to wrap her arms around him and embrace him into a hug

Howard smiled widely placing a kiss on her temple making her smile "I'm sorry too, I overreact" she mumbled embracing him tightly "where did you go last night" Howard asked looking at her "James" she answered grinning at him making him roll his eyes and pull away from her "seriously? why there?" he asked making her laugh "I'm kidding stop being a jealous man" she answered pulling him back for a hug

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