|be my girl|

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"And you didn't asked her the question?" Peggy asked looking at Howard from across the table after he told her everything that happened last night "what question" Howard asked looking back at her clueless "to be your girlfriend idiot" Peggy answered kicking him under the table

"Jeez Peg no need to be violent. I...I didn't thought of it I was enjoying the moment that I forgot about everything around us" he confessed "you are the most stupid genius I know" Peggy spoke making him sigh "I'd ask her at the right time"

"Ask who what" Dottie asked walking towards the garden and taking a seat next to Peggy after she took Howard's coffee from his hand and drinks it "Anna to cook dinner later" Howard quickly responds "liar" Dottie answered making Peggy's eyebrows raised with a amused smile on her face  "did you hear that, your natural instinct is to lie yet she knows it when your lying" Peggy smiled

"it's really not something you should worry about Dottie" Howard smiled at her taking his coffee back "seriously?" Howard asked seeing his cup empty as Dottie shrugged in response "alright lovers thanks for the breakfast I'll go to work now" Peggy interrupted kissing Dottie's cheeks

"Hey woman since when do you do that" Howard asked "since we met" Peggy answered smirking "yeah that's the last time your doing that" he rolled her eyes making Peggy's smirk grew bigger before kissing Dottie's cheeks once more and leaving them two "Margaret" Howard yelled making the ladies chuckle

"Dottie you look amazing" Peggy complimented as she walked in inside the ballroom with Howard's arm around her waist "so are you Peggy" she answered giving her a wide smile "may I have this dance my lady?" Howard asked with his hand out just like the other day making her chuckle "you may" she answered before getting pulled closer to him

Everyone inside the room started dancing as they all went into their own worlds enjoying the night. Howard looked at her getting lost into her eyes for the millionth time "you know I just realized how good of a dancer you are" she spoke making him smirk "I've been told" he answered

After minutes of dancing the others went back to their seats while the others kept dancing just like Howard and Dottie "Dorothy" Howard interrupted her thoughts "yes Howard" she asked smiling at him "god how do I do this" he sigh nervously "do what" she asked confused "make the most handsome genius happy and be my girl" he stated nervously making her chuckle

"Never knew the Howard Stark gets nervous" she answered making him roll his eyes "so?" he asked again waiting for her answer "yes idiot I'll be your girl" she smiled before getting dip low and feeling his lips against hers feeling everything around them stop just like what they always feel everytime their lips touch

"Your my girl" Howard stated while his hands cupped both of her cheeks "I'm your girl" she repeated making him smile widely "my girl everyone!" Howard yelled making everyone's attention turn towards them and gaining congratulations by them making Dottie blush

"Tonight was fun" Dottie stated as they both walked inside the house after the party finsihed "best night of mine by far" Howard answered pulling her closer to him and kissing the top of her head

"Go to bed Howard" Dottie spoke as Howard walked her towards her room "give me my goodnight kiss Dorothy and I'll leave you alone" he smirked making her roll her eyes before giving him a peck on the lips. Howard winked at her making her chuckle before shutting her door

Howard danced around the hallway with a huge smile on his face while he made his way towards his room "ah look at this man" Jarvis spoke walking towards Howard "someone had a splendid night" Jarvis smiled earning a loud scream from Howard "Jarvis your gonna give me a heart attack" Howard said with his hand placed on his heart "you seemed really happy sir"

"That's because Dorothy Aimsworth is my girlfriend Jarvis" Howard stated proudly with a huge smile on his face "I'm really happy for you sir" Jarvis stated smiling "god I'd never get tired of saying Dottie is mine" Howard grinned to himself "Dorothy is my girlfriend" he repeated before Jarvis left him "Jarvis she's my gir- he always leave me" Howard spoke looking around then made his way towards his room

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