|drunk kiss|

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Dottie rolled her eyes at the sight of Howard in the kitchen drinking his coffee peacefully. She glanced down at her wristwatch and walked over to him "Howard let's go we're supposed to be in the headquarters 3 minutes ago" Dottie stood in front of him

"Hey I'm Howard Stark no one would care if I'm late or not" Howard grins at her getting up from his chair sipping his coffe making her sigh in frustration on the thought of them always being late because of him

"Well I do" Dottie answered taking the mug from his hand and settling it down to the table then fixing his tie

"Thanks dear" Howard smirked at her "mhm" she smiled at him before dragging him outside by his tie

"Are we leaving no-" Jarvis eyes widen seeing Dottie drag Howard inside the car by his tie "let's go Mr Jarvis" Dottie smiled looking at Howard then at Jarvis. Jarvis nods as he gets inside the car

Dottie waved goodbye to Ana who's standing by the door before getting inside the car as well "woman, you could just asked me to-" Dottie covered Howard's mouth shutting him up "better" Dottie smiled

"Stark, Agent Aimsworth" Chief Dooley greeted with a nod "Agent Amisworth, sounds nice" Howard teased her making her roll her eyes and walked behind Chief Douley looking around the SSR headquarters

"That's all it Stark" Chief Douley turned back to the two after Chief Douley explained Howard about the headquarters and Dottie listed them down "meet one of my best Agents, Agent Thompson" Chief Douley introduced Jack making Dottie looked up from her paper and smile widely at Jack

"Agent Aimsworth" Jack grins at her "Agent Thompson" Dottie nods making Howard raise his eyebrows "you've met?" Howard asked turning to Dottie "yeah in the camp, she is actually great, I've saw her train once" Jack explained

"I'll leave you two for a minute I have something to discuss with my Agents" Chief Douely explained before walking away with Jack "I see you've met alot of people on the camp" Howard spoke putting his hands in his pocket

"yeah great peoples" Dottie grins "well shall we-" Howard gets cut off by a voice behind them "Dottie?" They both turned around seeing James making her smile widely as Howrd let's out a scoff

"Hi James!" Dottie greeted and hugs him as James did the same. Dottie rubs his back smiling widely before getting pulled back on her waist by Howard making her glare at him "Mr Stark" James greeted only for Howard to nod

"I'll have to go, I just stopped to say hello" James explained to Dottie "sure, take care" Dottie replied as James walked towards the door "I'll call you when we can hang again?" James asked getting a nod with a smile by her then went out

"So boyfriend?" Howard asked making her turn to him "just a really close friend" Dottie clarified "yeah really close friend" Howard replied rolling his eyes "Howard I smell it" Dottie looked around only for him to look at her confused

"Smell what?" he asked "jealousy" She replied smirking at him before heading outside while he shoots her a glare "god that woman is unbelievable" he muttured to hisself before heading outside

Jarvis dropped Howard on a diner as he requested. Jarvis and Dottie arrived home making her sigh in relief "Mr Jarvis why have I never saw Howard bring a woman home or go out with a woman, isn't he a womanizer?" Dottie asked remembering the day that she got the job as his personal assistant and prepared herself to see him with a new woman everyday as what the news says about him

"Miss Aimsworth it confused me too. Bringing different woman day by day is his habit no matter how busy the man is, I'm really surprised Mr Stark didn't bring any woman this month" Jarvis replied

As Dottie was about to head to her room, Jarvis spoke again gaining her attention "and Miss Aimsworth ever since you arrived here not even a single woman was seen with Mr Stark but you" Jarvis explained confusing her more

"And what do you mean by that Mr Jarvis" she asked. "Miss Aimsworth Mr Stark seems like he likes you" Jarvis replied making her chuckle "Mr Jarvis he likes every woman he sees" Dottie chuckled

"But not like how he likes you" Jarvis muttured making her raise her eyebrows "what was that?" she asked "oh uh I think I heard my wife calling me, I'll leave you to rest Miss Aimsworth" Jarvis reasoned quickly running away from her

It was around 10 at night when Dottie heard voices from outside making her stood up from the couch and looked outside through the window seeing Jarvis with Howard inside the car

"Hey don't help me, I can walk, see?" Howard spoke drunk as Jarvis tries to help him out the car. Dottie opened the door standing in there with her arms crossed "what happened to him" Dottie asked

"He's really wasted Miss Aimsworth, but according to the genius himself he's not" Jarvis explained as the both turn to look at Howard seeing him passed out in the ground making Dottie shake her head sighing

"Dottie!" Howard yelled after Jarvis helped him went inside and sits him on the couch then leaves him with Dottie. Dottie went to the kitchen to get him a water before hearing another yell "Dottie!" he called making her roll her eyes and walk back in the living room

"Howard stop yelling its late" Dottie spoke standing in front of him and helping him drink the water from the glass "thanks darling" Howard winked at her as she placed down the glass on the table

"I'm really thankful on having you here Dottie, you've been a very great person to me. Give me a chance and I'll prove you that I'm better than that Sergeant and Agent and any other guy out there" Howard spoke making Dottie chuckle

"Howard let's get you to bed" Dottie got up from her seat pulling him by his arm "let's talk for minutes" Howard groans making her roll her eyes "no I'm not dealing with your drunk ass right now cmo-" Dottie didn't had a chance to finish her sentence after getting pulled by Howard on the wrist into a kiss

Her eyes widen clearly surprised by his actions, she slowly kissed him back actually liking the feeling of his soft lips on hers. Dottie pulled away after a few seconds still with a shock look on her face while she stare into the wall trying to wrap her head around by the fact that they kissed

Dottie got snapped out of her thoughts after hearing snores in the room making her turn her head at him seeing him laying in the couch peacefully asleep "he's drunk he won't remember it" Dottie assured herself not wanting to hear him talk about it tomorrow before leaving him to go to her room

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