|the love of her life|

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Dottie let's out a sigh as she closed her eyes after leaning back to her seat trying to process everything that happened hours ago while tears poured her eyes. Her thoughts was cut off by a waitress placing her order down to her table, after few bites, she looked around the diner seeing it quiet and peaceful as normal. She stopped chewing for a second after looking down at the cheeseburger on her hand remembering Howard making her groan as she also remembered that she's at their favorite diner

After she finsihed her cheeseburger, she looked outside the window beside her seeing how dark it already is. Looking at her wristwatch she stood up from her booth and grabbed her bag before heading outside. She looked around the New York admiring the City as it never failed to amaze her no matter on what mood she is at

She decided to take a walk around the City not wanting to come back to the mansion to see Howard yet knowing they'll just fight. After hours of walking around the City and enjoying some alone time she finally decided to head back to the mansion feeling tiredness come on her

After she took a cab back home she walked towards the mansion seeing the lights in the whole house was off but the living room. She made her way to the garden and used the door back door before she quietly made her way inside. She peeked on the entrance of the living room curios on why the lights are still on late at night knowing everyone must be asleep

Her expression softened on the sight of  Howard asleep on the couch and snoring quietly. She quietly walked towards him and pull the blanket towards his body before placing a kiss on his cheek and caressing his cheeks for seconds. She carefully stood up from the couch and glanced down at the man on the couch as she couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, the love of her life sleeping peacefully on the couch thinking how can someone so stupid look like an angel when they're asleep

Ana hands Dottie her coffee after she made Dottie's usual coffee every morning. After Dottie thanked her she walked out to the garden but quickly made her way back inside the kitchen after seeing Howard sat on their spot "Dorothy" he whined as her actions didn't went unnoticed by him. Dottie ignored him and went to the living room to drink her coffee there

Howard's head quickly turned to the door of his lab after hearing someone's heels clacking to the floor knowing who it is. "What are you doing here" he asked looking at her with a smile on his face hoping that she already forgave him "working" she responds before making her way towards her desk without even looking at him

"I thought you were mad at me" he said looking at her "I am. After all I'm still your assistant and work is work" she explained while she started writing things down on her notebook making Howard sigh in response realizing she's still angry from what happened and shook his head knowing she have every rights to be angry

They've spent hours of working inside the lab just like what they normally do but the silence bothered Howard so much as he wasn't used to her not even say a word to him. The silence was bothering her too just as much as it was bothering him but her pride isn't letting her say anything about it

Howard looked at her while she checks on his schedules and write things down making him smile as he couldn't help but stare at her making him shake his head remembering on how much he messed up and how much he hurt her even she didn't show any sign of hurt he knew her well

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