|Howard Potts|

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"How's married life" Peggy asked walking around her office while fixing some files "ugh I'm starting to regret marrying him" Dottie groaned biting on her burger "I don't know why you even married that child in the first place" Peggy said making the both of them laugh "okay seriously, how is it" she asked sitting across from her

"It feels really good actually, he's amazing and can be annoying but I love him" she said offering Peggy her burger but she shook her head no "how about you" Dottie asked "very fantastic, Daniel is really sweet" she smiled like a teenager in love making Dottie chuckle "what" Peggy asked confused by her sudden chuckle "you look like a high school girl describing her first kiss" Peggy let's out a chuckle rolling her eyes

"Director Carter, we kind of lost one file" an Agent burst into the room making Dottie's eye brows raised while Peggy let's out a groan and stood up then started scolding the man making Dottie shake her head. Her head turned to the door hearing it open once again while Peggy went through her cabinets with the Agent beside her

Dottie looked at the glass window of Peggy's office seeing someone stood on the other side but couldn't really see who because of how dark it is on the other side. She slowly stood up looking at the glass seeing the man stood there with a hat but she still couldn't see his face. She went to the door and opened it seeing the man hurriedly walking towards the door "excuse me" Dottie called making the man stop on his tracks before he could even get out "are you looking for Director Carter? do you need anything?" she asked tilting her head to the side while studying the familiar man who has his back turned on her

He knew it wasn't Peggy's voice and if he doesn't look at whoever it was will make him really suspicious. He slowly turned and looked at her making her eyes widen and her breath hitched "Steve?" she asked quietly not knowing if she's dreaming or not. That's when he realized he messed up and mentally slapped his self on his own stupidness thinking why he didn't recognize Dottie's voice at the first place

Steve quickly get out of the room with Dottie following behind him knowing that she isn't imagining things "Steve wait!" she yelled running after him while her mind went crazy not knowing what's really happening. Dottie bumped into someone's chest making her stop "oh god I'm so sorry" she said standing back up but Steve was no longer around when she did "I- no it can't be" the man she bumped into mumbled

"What do you mean? are you alright" she asked confused while the man stood there staring right at her before a huge smile formed on his lips "are you okay?" she asked snapping him out of his thoughts "uh yeah I just got lost" he said earning a nod from her "where are you headed, let me walk you there" she suggested giving him a wide smile "sure that'll be awesome" he nods walking beside her

"What's your name" she asked looking at him. The man looked back at her like he's in deep thoughts "Howard, Howard Potts" he replied making her smile "Dorothy" she said "ah there's my beautiful wife" Howard spoke from behind making the two look at him "got a new friend?" he asked placing a kiss on her temple "this is Howard my husband and he's name is Howard too" she introduced the two "Howard Potts" he said with his hand out "Howard Stark" Howard replied shaking his hand before walking with the two

"This is where I'm supposed to be. Thank you" Potts thanked the two "weird beard by the way" Howard pointed on his beard making Dottie roll her eyes and slap him on his shoulder "it was nice to meet you Potts" Dottie smiled at him before Howard and him turned to each other and talked. Dottie looked around seeing Steve stood behind a jeep wearing a sunglasses.

As she was about to walk towards him, Howard pulled her by her waist "well I thought my dad was tough on me, looking back I just remember the good stuff you know, he did drop the odd curl" Potts said making Dottie's head turn to him clueless on what they're talking about "yeah? like what?" Howard asked "no amount of money ever bought a second of time" Potts smiled making Dottie smile also "seems like a great father" she said earning a nod "smart guy" Howard commented "he did his best"

"I'll tell you, we don't even have a kid yet but there's nothing I wouldn't do for them" Howard said making Dottie smile widely knowing how bad Howard wants to be a father. Tony smiled as Howard walked towards his car with Dottie beside him "good to meet you Potts" Howard called making Potts look back at him before handing him back his flowers that Dottie didn't realize was there "yeah, Howard. Everything's gonna be alright" Potts smiled before pulling Howard into a hug

"Thank you for everything" he mumbled making Dottie's head tilt in confusion "for everything you've done to this country" he added patting Howard's back. He then looked at Dottie and pulled her into a hug also "Your gonna be a great mother someday and I wished we had more time" Potts mumbled to her making her eyebrows raised knowing that something is really weird about him but she decided not to say anything about it "to chat" Potts added once again gaining a nod from her as they pulled away

Dottie went towards Howard who stood by the car door waiting for her and hands her the flowers "take care" Dottie called before Potts walked away with a smile on his face "have we ever met that guy?" Howard asked after Dottie thanked him and kissed his cheeks "he seems... weird" Dottie replied "you've met alot of peoples" Jarvis spoke before getting inside. Howard placed his hand on Dottie's head while she went inside the back seat preventing her from bumping her head "he kind of looked like you" Dottie said as Howard sat beside her "yeah no I look way more handsome than him" Howard smirked adjusting his tie making her roll her eyes

"You alright dear?" Howard asked seeing her staring on the window deep in her thoughts "I saw Steve" she replied with her eyes still on the window "darling I think you just need some sleep" he said pulling her closer towards him "Howard I know what I saw, I wasn't imagining things" she replied looking at him "let's discuss that at home" he suggested kissing her temple. Dottie sighed and nod her head before placing her head on his shoulder "weird day" she thought to herself

*let's just pretend that Howard here still looked the same he just aged a little but not like how he did in endgame (no hate to the actor tho)

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