|Steve and Tony's pov|

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"Where are they hiding it" Tony asked while he looked around the area after they just traveled to the past to get the tesseract "plain in sight" Steve nodded right in front of them. Tony nodded and went inside with Steve

Steve's point of view

The lady looked at Tony and I studying us while she flips through the pages of the file on her hand. Tony looked at me before I looked back at him thinking that the lady is thinking suspicious about us "good luck on your mission Captain" Tony broke the silence between the three of us "good luck on your project Doctor" I replied before Tony stepped out of the elevator giving me a "let's get to work" look

I looked at the lady seeing her staring at me making me shift uncomfortably on my position. Luckily the elevator door opened making me sigh in relief as I stepped out and hurriedly walked away

I quickly ran to the lab and searched for the tesseract everywhere but still saw no sign of it. My head turned to a vials knowing that we will need them so I went over it and grabbed four. Taking one last look around the lab, I quickly walked out to look for the tesseract whenever it is

As I was looking around the hallway, I saw the same lady that was in the elevator with me and Tony with a officer beside her while she described on him what Tony and I look like telling him that we seemed fishy.
I quickly looked down on the ground and opened the door that was closest to me.

I looked around the room to search for the tesseract but then I realized it was just someone's office but as I was about to leave something caught my eyes. It was a photo of me on the camp before the super serum was injected. I slowly pick it up from the table wondering who would even keep a photo of mine when I looked like that

My head turned to the glass window hearing someone's voice from the other side. I saw a woman sitting comfortably on a chair with her back turned on the glass window while she looked at the other two person walking around the office. I followed her gaze and that's when I realized that I'm in Peggy's office. Peggy stood right at the glass window by the other side while her eyes was glued on the file on her hand. Memories of us hits me making a single tear drop on my cheek but I didn't bother to wipe it off because of how busy I am on staring at Peggy and taking all the time I have

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone opened the door making me quickly turn my head towards the exit of the office ready to leave. I placed my hand at the knob about to open the door  "excuse me?" someone from behind called making me stop on my tracks hearings familiar voice but I couldn't tell who it belongs to "are you looking for Director Carter?" the woman asked nicely

I was deciding if I should look back or not but I knew I have to so I won't look really suspicious. Knowing that the voice wasn't Peggy's I thought I'd be able to leave after reasoning that I just got lost. I slowly looked back to the woman, her eyes widen
when she saw me and that's when I mentally slapped my face seeing Dottie stood there. I couldn't believe myself that I didn't recognize her voice at the first place knowing that I should have "Steve?" she asked with pure shock on her tone

I quickly opened the door and walked out of the room but I  can hear her getting out too and following me "Steve wait!" she yelled and I looked back at her seeing her practically running now trying to get to me. I really wanted to stop and talk to her even just for minutes and tell her that Bucky is alive knowing how much she loves him and how much she suffered when we thought he died

I was getting lost on my thoughts I didn't realized that I stopped walking and was about to walk back towards her but I saw her bumped into someone. I sigh to myself thinking that maybe talking to her wouldn't be a good idea, I looked at her seeing her talking to the person she bumped into and that's when I took the chance to walk away to find Tony hoping that he found the tesseract

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