|signing off|

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"Welcome back Agent Aimsworth" Colonel Phillips greeted as he walked towards Dottie after she fired the bullet on the target's head. Dottie placed the gun down and saluted him as she turn her head at him "Sir actually I'm here to tell you that I'm retiring" she smiled at him "I know you will. Atleast I still have Carter here huh?" he responds before Peggy walked towards them "Sir I'm retiring also" Peggy spoke standing next to Dottie "alright. Live your best life my favorite Agents and don't forget about me" he smiled at them making them both nod before they both pulled Colonel Phillips into a hug

"Ah don't tell me your leaving us Peggy" Dum dum Dugan spoke as they both pulled away from Colonel Phillips "sadly Iam Peggy responds with a smile as the other howling commandos walked towards them and stood behind Dum dum. Peggy turned to Dottie as she waved at them "oh Gentlemen this is-" "Elizabeth" they all cut Peggy off making Dottie smile at them "Liz" Dum dum added making her chuckle "it's Dottie" she corrected them "how do you know her" Peggy asked making them all grin "Barnes never shuts up about her. He even have a photo of her that he shows us all the time" Dum dum responds "he stole my file photo" Dottie mumbled in realization remembering when she got scolded by Dooley when her file photo went missing

"Just friends huh?" Peggy teased making Dottie chuckle "we'll get going. Don't forget us Peggy" Dum dum spoke making their head turn back to him "I'll never" Peggy responds pulling him into a hug. "Dottie" he called going in for a hug as Dottie gladly accepted his hug "he really loves you" Dum dum whispered into her making her bite her lip and look up not wanting her tears fall "what's wrong?" Peggy asked seeing her holding her tears back. She quickly shook her head and smiled at her making Peggy turn to Dum dum glaring at him knowing he told her something about Bucky

The two waved goodbye at the howling commandos before making their way to the car with smiles on their lips. "Where to ladies" Jarvis asked "to the SSR Mr Jarvis" Dottie responds before Jarvis drove to the SSR headquarters

"Your not gonna change your mind?" Dooley asked Dottie as she stood inside his office with all her things placed in a box while Peggy gathered hers. "About what?" Jack asked walking in into Dooley's office, Dottie looked at him then to her box as his eyes followed her gaze "retiring?" Jack asked disappointed but he didn't wanted it to be obvious so he puts on a smirk on his lips "we are" Peggy interrupted walking in. Jack left the three to go back to his desk while they spoke

"Good luck on your journey ladies" Dooley hugged the two of them making them smile. The three made their way out of his office "Bid your goodbyes to the best Agents of the SSR" Dooley called gaining everyone's attention "Agent Dorothy Elizabeth Aimsworth and Agent Margaret Peggy Carter is now signing off boys" Jack spoke making the ladies head turn to him with a sad smile on their face knowing that they'll miss working at the SSR and as much as they don't want to admit it they know they'll miss everyone even though they all can be a pain in the ass

Dottie watched Peggy as she approached Daniel making her smile knowing there's something going on between the two but didn't want to tell anyone yet. "Dorothy" Jack spoke standing beside her making her head turn to him "Chief" she replied making his eyebrows furrowed in confusion "what?" he asked making her chuckle "Jack we both know you'll be the next one to handle these Agents" she looked at him with a smile making him smile "honestly..." he paused looking down at her "I'm gonna miss you both. Mostly you, no one's gonna put me in my place anymore" Jack spoke earning a shove from her "aw did I just heard you say that you'll miss me?" she asked making him roll his eyes "now I take that back" he responds making her shake her head "nope" she responds before Peggy went back to her "you ready?" she asked

The two made their way to the exit and stopped right there to look back at the Agents. They both waved goodbye at them making them smile widely and wave back. Peggy went to hug Daniel once again making Dottie roll her eyes knowing the two will still see each other. "Take care Dorothy" Jack yelled from his desk making her chuckle "come here asshole" she smiled calling him over with her arms opened for him. He walked towards her and hugged her tightly while she rubs his back hugging him back "Stark is a lucky one" he mumbled "you'll find someone Jack" she replied before they both pulled away and smile to each other

Peggy and Dottie saluted to Chief Dooley who stood on his office door with a smile on his face before he did the same to them. Dottie turned to Jack and saluted him too making him chuckle "behave yourself boys" Peggy yelled before they both mad their way out "you really changed Thompson. His soon to be woman better thank you for teaching that man some manners" Peggy elbowed her on her side making her roll her eyes "Peg" she groaned. Peggy turned to her with a smile "what? we both know it's the truth" Peggy responds making Dottie chuckle

Go check out my ransom drysdale story! <3

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