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2 weeks later

"Elizabeth, Chief is asking for you" Jack

called from Dooley's office door making her roll her eyes "Elizabeth my ass" she mumbled walking towards him making Peggy laugh as she passed by her "at least it sounds much better than Marge" Peggy spoke making her let out a slight chuckle as she made her way inside the office

"Aimsworth I'm pulling you out from the files that I gave you" Dooley spoke as she stood next to Jack across from Dooley making her sigh in relief "go pack your bags" Dooley added making her confused "for what Chief" she asked "your going to L.A with Thompson to look through some files and for a investigation there" Dooley responds

"Why can't I just go with Peggy? or Thompson can go by himself I'm sure he can handle it on his-" "Aimsworth next flight for L.A leaves in the next three hours" Dooley responds "yes Chief" she answered glaring at Jack who's smiling at her before leaving the office followed by him

"Hey Elizabeth don't forget to buy me my sandwich on your way back here" Jack called from his desk with a grin as Peggy approached her "god I'm going to spit on his sandwich" she muttured fixing her things making Peggy laugh "I'm sure you'll enjoy this trip" Peggy said smiling sarcastically at her "I'd rather babysit Howard for days than to go anywhere with Jack" she responds looking back at Peggy

"Your home early" Howard greeted walking towards Dottie "I have to pack" she answered giving him a kiss on his cheeks as she made her way to her room with Howard following behind her "Chief is sending me on L.A with Jack for investigation" she stated before sighing realizing that she didn't know how long they'll be there

Dottie dialed the SSR number on the telephone on her room, "this is Agent Aimsworth, can you ask Chief Douley on how long I'll be on L.A" she spoke while Howard stood there watching her "alright" she answered hanging up after she got the answer she needed

"so?" Howard asked waiting for her answer "3 weeks" she replied making him groan "that's so damn long and with Thompson? couldn't he just send you with Peg there?" Dottie let's out another sigh and wrapped her arms around Howard "work is work you know" she muttured with her face buried on his neck

"Ugh I know. I'm gonna miss my favorite girl" Howard spoke kissing the top of her head twice "alright I gotta pack, I gotta be on the airport on the next hour" she spoke looking at him "Anna cooked and I haven't eat so let Jarvis pack for you and let's enjoy Anna's great steak" Howard suggested pulling her towards the kitchen before he called Jarvis

"You sure you don't want me to drive you to the airport?" Howard asked as Jarvis put Dottie's bag on the trunk "I have to go back to the SSR to get some files in there then go to the airport with Jack" Dottie explained making Howard roll his eyes

"he can go to the airport by hisself" Dottie chuckled before pulling him into a hug "Chief's orders dear" she mumbled kissing his cheek before placing a kiss on his lips making the man smile widely "alright take care, I'll call you every minute" Howard replied pecking her lips multiple times making her laugh "gosh I'll only be gone for weeks don't be too clingy right now" she teased

"you ready Miss Aimsworth?" Jarvis asked getting inside the car "take care of yourself, be a man not a kid" she teased as Howard pulled her into another tight hug "this feels like your going to war" he stated making her laugh before pulling away and getting inside the car "take care" Howard yelled as Jarvis drove away

"You really changed him" Jarvis spoke making her raise her eyebrows in confusion "I don't really think so" she replied smiling "Mr Stark changed for good ever since you've been here Miss Aimsworth, you don't see it but everyone does" Jarvis stated making her smile widen "we'll see" she replied

"Sandwich" Jack took his hand out waiting for his sandwich as Dottie walked in. She didn't even glanced at him and just walked passed him and made her way to Dooley's office to get the files they'll need

"This trip is gonna be my favorite" Jack smiled sarcastically while he take their suitcase out "this will forever be my favorite trip" she replied smiling back sarcastically at him after he hands her her bag and he started walking towards the airport "Thompson" she called making him turn his head back at her

"Where are your manners, not gonna carry the lady's bag?" she asked loud enough for everyone around to hear making them look at Jack. He glared at her before walking back towards her and snatching her bag from her hand before walking inside the airport while she followed him inside with a grin on her lips

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