|project rebirth|

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The door opened gaining everyone on the room's attention. Steve walked down the stairs with a woman dressed in Agent uniform. "You ready Steve?" Dottie asked smiling at him recieving a nod from him

"feel comfortable?" Dr Erskine asked Steve as he lie down inside the vita ray machine. "Miss Aimsworth" Peggy greeted Dottie making her smile "Agent Carter" She replied "Howard talks about you alot" Peggy told her as they both gazed on Howard that's preparing the machine

"Mr Stark, how are your levels" Dr Erskine asked as Howard walked towards Steve beisde the two woman "levels at 100 percent" Howard replied

"Good" Dr Erskine replied "we may dim half lights of Brooklyn but we are ready, as we'll ever be" Howard stated looking at Steve nervously "Agent Carter, don't you think you would be more comfortable on the booth" Dr Erskine suggested approaching peggy

"Oh yes" Peggy smiled at him and nods to Dottie as she went to the booth before Howard placed a hand on Dottie's back guiding her back to the machines beside him

Dr Erskine started his speech while Dottie helps Howard with the other buttons as Howard trusted her with them "it's going to be alright" Dottie placed a hand on Howard's shoulder seeing him pretty tensed up "hope so" he replied

"Beginning in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" Dr Erskine said after injecting Steve with a penicillin. "Now Mr Stark" Dr Erskine told Howard after the serums went inside Steve's body. Howard pulled the lever down

The the vita ray slowly closed making Dottie gulp "we will proceed" Dr Erskine said glancing at Howard. "That's 10 percent, 20 percent, 30" Howard spoke as the machine started forming a very bright light from inside

"that's 60 percent, 70" Howard glanced at the vita ray as the light gets brighter before hearing a scream from Steve making Dottie's eye widwn "Howard" she mumbled worried

"Shut it down, shut it down now!" Peggy yelled as she runs out of the booth "Steven! kill the rector Mr Stark" Dr Erskine yelled as the others runs around panicking

As Howard was about to shut down the reactors, He got cut off by Steve yelling "no! I can do this!" Steve yelled before Howard continued "80, 90, that's 100 percent!" Howard yelled

The machines around them started sparking followed by the vita ray shutting down. Everyone stares at the machine waiting on what's gonna happen next

The machine opened revealing a muscular, taller and sweaty Steve making Dottie's jaw open "holy cow" she muttered as Dr Erskine and Howard helped Steve to get out of the machine

"We did it" Steve muttured with panting breaths "yeah we did it" Howard spoke looking at Steve amzed making Dottie smile. Howard turned to the peoples around him congratulating him

A loud explosion came from the booth making everyone duck down as Howard placed his hand on Dottie's head and pulled her closer to him "stop him!" a man yelled after another man took the serum

The man shoots Dr Erskine before he runs up to the stairs and while peggy fires on him and runs out. Steve quickly stood up and runs towards Dr Erskine, seconds later Dr Erskine closed his eyes

Steve runs out to chase the man that stole the serum. Dottie stood there looking at Dr Erskine with a hand on her mouth. She couldn't hold back her tears as the sight of Dr Erskine laying there lifeless reminded her on how her father died

Howard rushed over her side and hugged her "hey, hey Dottie I'm right here, what's wrong" he asked rubbing her back while she cried on his chest

"Mr Stark may I ask what happened back there" Jarvis asked while he drives Dottie and Howard back to the mansion "the project went well, it worked but Dr Erskine was shot by someone who stole the serum" Howard explained while he kept rubbing Dottie's shoulder to calm her down

"Dear what happened" Anna asked Jarvis while she looked at Dottie while Howard guides her inside "I'm not quite sure, but I guess it has something to do with Dr Erskine dying" Jarvis explained as they both also went inside

"Thank you" Dottie muttured after Howard handed her a glass of water while she sat down on the couch. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Howard asked standing in front of her

"Seeing Dr Erskine laying there lifeless just r-reminds me of my f-father" she explained looking down "he was killed right in front of me, after they took his life they just left him laying in there bleeding" Dottie explained while she cries

"hey it's going to be okay, I'm sorry you have to go through that" Howard apologized while he helps her to stood up and brings her into a tight comforting hug "I shouldn't have brought you with me if I knew that was gonna happen" Howard muttered running his fingers through her hair

"it's okay, it wasn't your fault" Dottie replied while they both stood there in each others arms for minutes

"I've never seen Mr Stark hold someone in his arms for that long" Anna smiled looking at the two while she stood beside Jarvis while they watch them from far "she's special for him, I can see it" Jarvis replied as they admire the two

"Thank you for coming Ms Aimsworth" Colonel Phillips said shaking Dottie's hand as she gave him a kind smile "Colonel Phillips I think there is other reason you called me here" Dottie spoke

"What makes you say that Miss Aimsworth?" the colonel asked making Dottie chuckle lightly "Sir if it you actually called me here for Howard's weapon you would have asked for him on the telephone lately" Dottie responds making the colonel smile

"That's right, I called you here not for Howard or his weapons but because of you" colonel Phillips explained confusing her "what is it sir" Dottie asked.

"I have read a file about you and it says that your skilled, your great at hand to hand combat but what I'm not sure is can you handle a gun?" he asked while Dottie looked at him wondering where he got the files he was talking about

"I know how to use a gun sir, my father thought me how to use them since I was 10 and I continued practicing until I was 17 but then I stopped because I focused on school" Dottie explained making colonel nod

"how many years has it been since the last time you used a gun?" colonel Phillips asked. "Five years ago sir, now may I ask why you're asking me these question" Dottie asked curiously

"Miss Aimsworth I would like to have someone like you on the field, I'm sure Agent Carter would love also love that" the colonel confessed while Dottie stood there speechless

"Sir I don't think that's a great decision, It feels unfair that I'm given a chance easily while there's alot of peoples in there working hard for this. I love the offer but I love my job too" Dottie explained as she didn't know what decision to make

"you will only stay here for a week and after that whatever your decision would be I'll take it" colonel said convincingly recieving a sigh from Dottie "I'll ask Howard for a week off" Dottie replied making the colonel smile before he discussed her the details she'll need

"Where are we heading now Miss Aimsworth?" Jarvis asked after Dottie got inside the car "home" she answered shortly while she rethinks about her decision

"What did colonel Phillips wanted?" Howard asked as Dottie and Jarvis arrived back to the mansion "uh well about that... he asked me if I wanted to be on the field" Dottie replied as she explained him everything

Dottie lays down on her bed staring at the ceiling thinking about the decision she made. She really like the thought of her fighting for their country but Howard really needs her on his side and it's not going to be easy for her to fit in. Knowing that she also have been too attached to Howard

"You need anything?" Howard asked seeing Dottie walked in inside his lab "can I ask for a week off?" she asked

"oh I'm going to miss my favourite girl" Howard replied making her cheeks turn red as she thought he didn't realized what he said

"So I'm guessing that's a yes?" she asked looking at him "yeah, when are you leaving?" he asked walking towards her "tomorrow in the afternoon so I can still help you in the morning" she explained as Howard placed his arm around her shoulder "go pack your bags then" he grins at her.

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