|welcome to the world|

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"are you okay?" Howard asked for the hundredth time while Dottie lie down on the hospital bed "ask me once again and I'm gonna tell the doctors to take you out" she said rolling her eyes "I can't help it! your about to give birth at any moment!" he yelled making her  flinch. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes trying her best not to yell back at him

"Just think of a baby name okay?" Dottie asked earning a nod from him "alright, what about andrew?" Howard asked looking down at her, she shook her head. "John?" he asked again and she also shook her head once again

"What abou- shit!" Dottie yelled feeling a extremely strong pain. She squeezed Howard's hand tightly making his eyes widen knowing what's happening. He quickly placed a kiss on her forehead before he rush out and called her doctor

"Okay just push" the doctor spoke while Dottie yelled in pain and kept pushing while she gripped Howard's hand. Howard's eyes widen in the sight of his wife giving birth as he didn't expect that giving birth was like that. He placed his other hand on the wall to keep himself together feeling really dizzy

Taking another look to his wife giving birth, his hand loosen on Dottie's grip while his other hand slowly fell from the wall "holy mother of god" he mumbled seeing the way she kept pushing. Howard collapsed to the floor gaining everyone's attention, a nurse quickly went to him and tried waking him up "just a few more push, he's here" the doctor announced after Dottie let a laugh seeing her husband on the floor

"I knew it! we should name him-" Howard went quiet seeing Dottie holding their child on her arms with a few tears on her cheeks "Anthony" Howard mumbled with a smile on his lips watching the two. "You wanna hold him?" Dottie asked looking at Howard with a smile "honey I don't know how to, what if I hur-" "It's okay Howard, you won't" Dottie assured him and carefully hands him their child

"He's ours" Howard whispered while his tears runs down his cheeks " welcome to the world my boy" he added while he slowly rock him back and forth. Dottie smiled widely and wipes her tears away as she couldn't believe that he's already there. The door quietly opened revealing Peggy, Ana and Jarvis with smiles as they went inside

Peggy gasped quietly and walked towards Howard then carefully took Anthony from him "oh jesus he doesn't look like Dot!" Peggy groaned making Dottie laugh "what's the name" Jarvis asked "Anthony Edward Stark" Dottie replied giving them a smile. "How are you Mrs Stark?" Ana asked "it hurts more than I expected but it's worth it" she replied with a huge smile

"I just hope he don't turn out like his father" Peggy spoke making Howard roll his eyes "you can't blame him if he does Peg, good looks runs in the family" Howard smirked and walked towards his wife giving her kiss "you okay?" he asked making her chuckle "are you?" she asked remembering him collapsed minutes ago

"Uh if you don't mind" Jarvis said handing the camera to the Doctor while everyone stood beside Dottie's bed while Ana holds Anthony. Everyone smiled as the doctor count down to three and took the photo. The three went back outside letting Dottie rest while Anthony was brought to the nursery

The doctor went inside with papers on his hand "Mr Stark you have to fill these out" the doctor explained handing Howard the papers. Howard looked at him with raised eyebrows and shook his head "I don't like to be-" Dottie took the papers and thanked the doctor before she hands them to Howard "seriously?" he asked looking down at her. Dottie closed her eyes and took a deep breath "leave me alone I need to sleep" she mumbled

"Then go to sleep I'll seat here" Howard said sitting down on the chair  beside her bed "no get out I wanna have some peace" she smiled "then sleep I'll sleep here too" Howard repeated making her sigh in frustration "jesus Howard Anthony Walter Stark leave me alone for an hour plus you snore too loud" she said looking at him "so damn moody" he mumbled making his way out "shut up dick head" she yelled making both of them laugh



"Howard!" Dottie yelled walking around the house while she looks for her husband "Howard!" Dottie called again making her roll her eyes in annoyance. She opened the back door seeing him stood outside in their garden with their child on his hand

Dottie stood on the door with a huge smile on her face seeing Howard playing with Anthony on his arms "look who it is!" Howard smiled seeing Dottie stood in there "its mommy!" he smiled down at Anthony making her chuckle "why are you up early" she asked after giving him a peck on the lips and kissing Anthony's forehead

"I woke up from him crying so took him here, I didn't wanted to wake you after what you went through" Howard explained referring to the day that she gave birth making her laugh remembering how he fainted "breakfast is ready!" Jarvis called from the kitchen

"Oh we're going out" Howard announced making her head turn to him "we are?" she asked earning a nod from him. They both went inside and got ready

"Can you babysit him while we're gone?" Dottie asked while Jarvis plays with Anthony on his arms "of course Mrs Stark" she replied giving Dottie a smile "gladly!" Jarvis yelled making her laugh before making her way to their car where Howard is waiting

Howard looked at Dottie from across the street with a smile on his lips getting deja vu when she looked around the city while he admires her "Howard hurry up!" she yelled signaling him to cross the street

Howard intertwined their hands together after he reached her. He dipped her low and kissed her on the lips making her eyes widen in surprise but quickly kissed him back "my lady" he smiled pulling her back up making her laugh remembering the same moment they had years ago back in New York

"You are still a sight for sore eyes dear, still lovely as the first day that you walked into my house" he mumbled kissing her forehead before looking down at her with a huge smile seeing her smiling widely "it's been a wonderful journey Howard" she replied pecking his cheek "let's go back home" he suggested before interning their hands again

Dottie nods her head and followed him towards their car while she looks around. Howard opened the door for her and went to his side then went inside the car. Before Dottie went in, the two male caught her attention. The taller one has his arm around his short friend's shoulder with huge smiles on their face while they walk beside each other.

A sad smile made it's way on her lips instantly remembering Steve and Bucky when she first met them "Honey, you okay there?" Howard asked wondering what's taking her long to get inside. Dottie snapped out of her thoughts and took a deep breath before shaking her head "I'm alright" she smiled at him after she sat inside the passenger seat

"What's wrong" Howard asked seeing her staring into the distance "I just... remembered them" she mumbled fiddling with her fingers "it's okay. They're happy wherever they are at" Howard smiled at her comfortingly "I hope so" she replied giving him a small smile

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