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"Oh" Howard mumbled standing on the dining room's doorway seeing Jarvis cleaning up the table while Dottie cleans Tony's face. Dottie turned her head to Howard making her sigh and roll her eyes "you've ate without me" Howard mumbled "Tony was hungry so are we" Dottie replied making Howard shook his head

"You couldn't have waited for another hour?" Howard asked making her chuckle sarcastically "another hour? it's almost 10 Howard we waited for you for hours" she replied making Jarvis gulped knowing they're gonna fight again "come on pal" Jarvis mumbled pulling Tony with him towards the living room leaving the two in the dining room

"That was the first dinner that I wasn't here" Howard mumbled taking his suit jacket off "and Tony's without you" she responds making his head turn to her "you can't blame me" he defended his self. "Why not? you were the one who wasn't here" Dottie raised her voice "I told you how busy I am Dorothy!" he yelled making her eyebrows raise "you always say that, you don't even spend time with Tony anymore!" she yelled back

"I'm doing all of this for Tony! can't you see that?" he asked throwing his hands up "all I'm asking you is to spend time with him not spend time in that damn works for him!" she yelled turning her back on him "I'm trying my best okay? I just want to give him a great future" he spoke in a low tone "then give him time and attention" she mumbled before storming out of the dining area

"Tony!" Dottie yelled looking for Tony "he's on the living room!" Jarvis yelled. Dottie made her way into the living room and saw Tony talking to someone on the telephone "Tony, who are you talking to?" she asked making him look at her "I don't know, but he's looking for Dorothy" Tony responds

Dottie took the phone from Tony before he ran "hello?" she asked gaining no response "this is Dorothy who is this?" she asked only to hear a sigh from the phone "look, if this is some jokes-" "Dorothy" someone spoke making her eyebrows raise "that's me who is this?" she asked. "This is Jack" he replied

"Jack! it's been so long, how'd you get this number?" she asked smiling "I asked Marge I hope you don't mind" he responds making her chuckle "it's okay. How have you been" she asked "I've been pretty good I guess" he responds before a awkward silence came "so uh the kid lately, was he the butler's?" he asked making her laugh

"No actually that's my son Tony" she smiled hearing a chuckle from him "yeah sorry my bad" he said before another silence went between them making her press her lips together not knowing what to say "how are you, I'm sure you got a wife now or maybe a family" she smiled

Jack cleared his throat and sighs not knowing how to respond "actually I uh I'm still on my own" he replied making her eyebrows scrunched "what? your like 42 right? Jack you gotta find yourself a girl your gonna die lonely!" she joked earning a laugh from him "well I can't seem to find the right one so I guess it's better to be alone" he joked making her laugh also

"Dorothy I just wanna ask you one favor" he spoke "sure, what is it?" she asked "can I see you? I just have something to tell you" he mumbled making her sigh "yeah I guess, maybe tomorrow" she replied. After he told her the location, she ended the call and tried calling Howard "good morning this is Stark Industries" A man spoke

"This is Dorothy Stark, may I speak to Howard?" she asked "Mrs Stark I'm sorry but Mr Stark is on a meeting right now and he ordered everyone not to bother him because it's a very important meeting" the man answered making her sigh "alright" she responds ending the call

"How's your day?" Dottie asked making Howard smile after closing the door "tiring, where's Tony?" he asked sitting next to her "Ana and Jarvis took him out" she responds before Howard stood up pulling her up with him making her eyebrows raise in confusion "what?" she asked

Howard pulled her into a hug with his head buried on her neck making her chuckle "I'm really sorry about last night" he mumbled while she runs her hands through his hair "it's okay, I'm sorry too" she replied making him smile "how are you" he asked looking at her "I'm great you know someone called lately" she smiled

"Really? who?" he asked "Jack he got the number from Peg" she smiled at him "and he wants to see me he said he have something to say" she added "when are you meeting him?" he asked tucking his hands down to his pockets "tomorrow afternoon if it's okay to you" she said making him chuckle "it's okay to me" he smiled

"Really? your not mad or something?" she asked making him laugh "of course not but jealous? yeah maybe but I trust you alot so it's okay" he smiled pecking her lips "alright, go change I'll make you something to eat" she smiled pushing him away "but no funny business!" he added making her laugh "what do you mean funny business?" she asked

"I'll be back in an hour" Dottie smiled kissing Tony's cheeks "take care!" Ana called out while they wave while she made her way inside the taxi she just called

After minutes, she was walking around the street now where Jack told her trying to find him "ah there you are!" she exclaimed seeing him leaning back to a car with his hands tucked on his pockets "you didn't change that much" she smiled making him laugh

"You look uh amazing" he smiled "so are you Chief" she joked making him roll his eyes "let's go inside" he suggested opening the Diner's door for her earning a thank you as she stepped inside with him following behind

"You gotta be joking" she spoke while she chews her burger "well I wish I am" he responds with a shrug "that's kinda sad you know, having your own family is really amazing" she smiled thinking of her husband and son "yeah I can tell by how your eyes light up everytime you mention your son" he chuckled making her smile

"What were you supposed to tell mr by the way?" she asked making his smile slowly drop "Jack?" she called seeing him zoom out "honestly I just used that as a reason to see you" he mumbled making her eyebrows raise smiling "you know I didn't heard you right?" she asked "I just wanted to see you, it's been years Dorothy" he spoke looking at her

"Your mad" he mumbled seeing her smile drop. She shook her head and took a deep breath "I'm not, I just don't understand why you didn't just told me the truth at the first place" she said looking back at him "I was about to I promise but when I found out you have a family i knew it will sound weird si I made something up" he responds

"I want you to be honest with me, if you won't give me the honest answer I'd leave" she spoke making him sit straight getting nervous seeing how serious she is, after he nods she looked at him in the eye "Am I the reason why you 'cant find the right girl'?" she asked making him took a deep breath "Dorothy it's-" "Jack I just want a honest answer "she cuts him off

"You are and it sounds awful I know but I got too attached I don't know how. I've been thinking about you for years I couldn't help it" he confessed making her sigh while she lightly shook her head "I'm sorry I know it doesn't sound too great I just wanted to get that off my chest, I've been carrying that on my own for years" he added panicking thinking she will leave

"Jack" she called placing her hand over his on the table making him stop and look at her "I appreciate you okay? you've been a great person even though you can be an asshole but I'm sorry because all I can give you is a friendship and I have a family, a husband and son that means the world to me you know that" she smiled patting his hand "I know, I completely understand I just wanted to get that out" he mumbled looking down

"Jack you can call me and rant to me or tell me anything I'll listen and I'll be here for you when you need me but as a friend" she spoke making him look back up at her "now all I'm asking you is don't let me stop you from trying to find the right person for you, go try to date anyone and who knows maybe you'll have your own family, there's still some time for you to restart. Stop holding onto me because Jack I already have the life that I want and I want you to have the life that you deserve" she smiled

"I promise you I'll do that, for the sake of both of us" he smiled back making her smile widely "you know Dooley once told me not to get too attached" he smiled making her laugh "your stubborn then" she responds "yeah cause I didn't listen" he laughed "find the life you want alright? don't let anyone stop you" she smiled


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